
  • 网络白洋淀
  1. In recent years , water environmental pollution has been a large barrier limiting economic development of Baiyangdian because of various reasons .


  2. Aesthetic Expectations of the " Poetry Community of Baiyangdian " from the Perspective of Literary Geography


  3. The calculation shows that the Baiyangdian Lake has an regulative and progressive effect on the local climate .


  4. At present , an emerging " water city " and the " Scenic City " have emerged in Baiyangdian River .


  5. Based on analyses of water quantity and water quality balance for Baiyangdian Lake , a water quality model was established for the computation of water environmental carrying capacity .


  6. In this paper , we investigated water resource and water environment and analysed the reason of water pollution in order to provide base for the water environment protection of Baiyangdian .


  7. Starting from the context of literary geography , this paper aims to explore the formation background of the Baiyangdian poet community and its poetic theory .


  8. The northward removal channel of the Huanghe River had never entered into Baiyangdian drainage area in the middle-west part of Hebei Plain .


  9. In order to store water for Beijing , Wangkuai has stopped supplying water to Hebei 's Baiyangdian , the largest freshwater lake in northern China .


  10. Hebei s Baiyangdian Lake , north Chinas largest lake , has shrunk by35 % and is in danger of completely drying up .


  11. The application of CVM to evaluate non-use value of Baiyangdian wetland is the premise of continuable-development for Baiyangdian wetland .


  12. All I know is that each year when the rush flowers blow in the breeze and the leaves turn yellow , the whole crop is cut and stacked in the squares round Baiyangdian Lake like a Great Wall of reeds .


  13. On April 1 , China announced the plan to create the Xiongan New Area , which spans the counties of Xiongxian , Rongcheng and Anxin in Hebei Province , and is home to Baiyangdian , a major wetland in northern China .
