Axis of evil

美 [ˈæksɪs əv ˈiːvl]英 [ˈæksɪs ɒv ˈiːvl]
  • 网络邪恶轴心
Axis of evilAxis of evil
  1. Bush has in the past named Iran as part of an " axis of evil " along with Iraq and North Korea .


  2. On Jan. 29 , 2002 , in his first State of the Union address , President George W. Bush warned of " an axis of evil " consisting of North Korea , Iran and Iraq .


  3. Until then , the axis of evil continues to terrorise us .


  4. But unless I 've been named as the fourth part of the " axis of evil ,"


  5. In the interim , Mr. Bush designated North Korea as a member of an axis of evil along with Iraq and Iran .


  6. This is an impressive " axis of evil " , one that links China to Russia , Iran and Osama bin Laden .


  7. Those USA named " axis of evil " are mostly in the Middle East , and Iran is one of the " axis of evil " .


  8. Mr Bush , having consigned the mullahs to an " axis of evil " in his first term , refused to let Americans attend .


  9. In2002 Mr Bush lumped iraq , North Korea and Iran together in an " axis of evil " and said he would stop them acquiring nuclear weapons .


  10. It may also confirm the existence of the " axis of evil " - a weird alignment of hot and cold spots in the emptier regions of space .


  11. It led to the idea of an axis of evil connecting Saddam Hussein 's Iraq to theocratic Iran and Kim Jong-il 's North Korea .


  12. Despite repeated denials from Syria that it would be willing to dump its " axis of evil " allies , diplomats say plenty of levers could be used to prompt such a move .


  13. However , when George W. Bush attempted to emulate Reagan 's moral clarity , he came up with the Axis of Evil a silly concept that led America into a costly and unnecessary war in Iraq .
