
  • 网络阿斯马拉;阿斯玛拉
  1. The Asmara group formed an alliance with three other groups to oppose President Sharif 's government .


  2. But the approval angered nationalists in the Asmara group led by Aweys .


  3. The barley , found in farmer 's fields surrounding the capital city Asmara in Eritrea , has the highest level of genetic diversity ever discovered .


  4. He urged officials in the Eritrean capital , Asmara , to cooperate with U.N. agencies and international organizations to the issues of hunger and food shortages .


  5. He urged officials in the Eritrean capital , Asmara , to cooperate with U.N. agencies and international organizations to address the issues of hunger and food shortages .


  6. He says the U.N. agency technically maintains an office in Asmara , but has not had any international staff there since 2005 , and is not able to monitor conditions in the nation of 5 million .


  7. Dieng says Eritrean refugees arriving at camps in northern Ethiopia are saying the Asmara , Eritrea , government tries to prevent them from leaving , and that conditions are ing .


  8. Dieng says Eritrean refugees arriving at camps in northern Ethiopia are saying the Asmara , Eritrea , government tries to prevent them from leaving , and that conditions are deteriorating .


  9. But Al-Shabab and another hard-line Somali Islamist group , based in Asmara , Eritrea , have refused to participate in the peace process , prompting fears that a prolonged power struggle within the Islamist movement is yet to come .
