Armillariella mellea

  • 网络蜜环菌;密环菌;小蜜环菌;榛蘑;假蜜环菌
Armillariella melleaArmillariella mellea
  1. The biological characteristics , the chemical constituents , the pharmacologic action , the present situation of Armillariella mellea artificial cultivation and the future research prospect were reviewed in this paper .


  2. Study on the Conditions of Submerged Fermentation for . Armillariella mellea


  3. Effect of Different Strains of Armillariella mellea on the Yield of Gastrodia elata


  4. A study on chestnut-bud culture Armillariella mellea cultivation seed


  5. Genesis and function of defense structure of sclerotia of Grifola umbellata after Armillariella mellea infecton


  6. The Effect of Polysaccharides from Armillariella mellea ( AMP-1 ) on Injured INS-1 Cells Preparation of an Environment friendly water-based and multi-functional greasy dirt detergent


  7. OBJECTIVE : Some properties of the purified polysaccharide from the rhizomorph of Armillariella mellea ( Am ) was analysed to make a further understanding of the relationship between its structure and function .


  8. In order to reduce broad-leaf tree resouce consumption in Armillariella mellea culture , a chestnut-bud substitution for broad-leaf tree sawdust culture Armillariella mellea is adopted .


  9. Using isotopic labelling technique ( with 32P . 15N . 86Rb ) , we demonstrated that Gastrodia elata Bl. might draw nutrients from the soil besides their main nutritional source Armillariella mellea ( Vahl . ex Fr ) Karst .


  10. In this paper , the growth of Sclerotium of Polyporus umbellatus , the relationship between Sclerotium and Armillariella mellea , the culture of strains of Polyporus umbellatus , the extraction of polysaccharide of Polyporus umbellatus and the cultivation of Polyporus umbellatus were summarized
