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美 [ˈæŋstrəm]英 [ˈæŋstrəm]
  • 网络埃格斯特朗;埃斯屈朗;安斯特罗姆;埃米火花式直读光谱仪


chemistry 化 physics 物埃(量度的单位,等于10⁻¹⁰米,表示波长和原子间的距离)
a very small unit of length, equal to 1×10⁻¹⁰ metre used for measuring wavelengths and the distance between atoms

  1. Results show that this process can reach surface roughness with angstrom dimension .


  2. We know that this dimension is roughly one angstrom unit , right ?


  3. Round numbers , this is one angstrom .


  4. Interatomic spacing is also on the order of about an angstrom .


  5. Thickness increase of bio-layer of angstrom level can be detected .


  6. Angstrom Linux is an operating system developed specifically for small computers such as the BeagleBoard-xM .


  7. The fabrication of metallic electrodes with a nanometer / angstrom sized gap on chip using electrochemical method


  8. One ext3 partition labeled Angstrom that takes up the rest of the card 's capacity .


  9. With the improvement of nano-technology , measurement has entered the scale of nanometer , even angstrom order .


  10. The monthly average angstrom wavelength exponent had a obvious change with season and had a close relation with local climate ;


  11. As early as in ancient Greece Athens , civil jury court appeared , known as " Harry angstrom " .


  12. The rest of this example assumes these partitions are mounted as / media / boot and / media / Angstrom .


  13. The emitting positions of the sputtered atoms are close to the corresponding incident ions ( in the order of angstrom );


  14. Aerosol optical depth and Angstrom parameter in BJ and XH showed close relation , which indicated the regional anthropogenic influence on atmospheric environment .


  15. Angstrom unit : A unit of measurement of the length of light waves . It is equal to 1 / 10 of a millimicron .


  16. Angstrom wavelength exponents can well reflect the size of atmospheric aerosol particles . Raman method supposes less parameters but acquires higher precision when compared with Mie method .


  17. In this paper , a method is developed with the modern more accurate parameters of atmospheric optical characteristic based on Bouguer-Lambert law to calculate directly Angstrom turbidity coeffcient (β) .


  18. Gee , I wonder if I could come up with a set of transitions occurring inside atomic hydrogen Just right match that what Angstrom measured back in1853 .


  19. In the early1850s , Angstrom , up at the University of Uppsala in Sweden was conducting experiments on atomic hydrogen .


  20. Moreover , the Angstrom exponent tends to be lower , indicating that the ratio of larger particles increased . So it is necessary to enhance the dust source harnessing .


  21. In this paper we presented the variation of atmospheric aerosol optical thickness and Angstrom exponent a ( which symbolizes the width of particle spectrum ) in Beijing in recent three years .


  22. In this paper , the calibration of sun photometer , the calculation of atmospheric aerosol optical thickness and the Angstrom parameters a and β obtained from aerosol optical thickness are discussed .


  23. The little volume elements are going to be on the order of an angstrom cubed if it 's an atom , a little bit bigger if it 's a molecule .


  24. Angstrom parameters α and β are about 1.19 and 0.08 , and comparing with the 6S typical aerosol models , the aerosol model in the area is similar to the continent model .


  25. The fastest way to boot Angstrom on the BeagleBoard-xM is with the microSD card that comes with the board , which contains an Angstrom image .


  26. Using the data of multiband solar direct radiative intensity observed in July 1980 to July 1981 at Peking University , the variation of the atmospheric transparent spectrum and the Angstrom turbidity were analysed .


  27. Based on these data , AOT ( aerosol optical thickness ) and Angstrom parameters were retrieved . Through analyzing the variation of AOT and Angstrom parameters , the reason which cause the variation was discussed .


  28. The optical and physical characteristics include : atmospheric optical thickness , single scattering albedo , complex refractive exponent , asymmetry factor , size distribution , Angstrom wavelength exponent , volume concentration and radii of aerosol particles .


  29. It probably evolves from Byzantine of the sixth century , probably in the 13th century , Florence painter contract horse-ride step angstrom propagates this kind of skill and technique to Italy .


  30. Plasma emission spectra of ZnO and ZAO thin film grown by RF magnetron sputtering the emitting positions of the sputtered atoms are close to the corresponding incident ions ( in the order of angstrom );
