
  • 网络阿拉木图;阿拉木图市
  1. We have been making this same point since the Declaration of Alma-Ata .


  2. That was the first Health Assembly held after the adoption of the Alma-Ata declaration .


  3. Declaration of Alma-Ata Promoting Independent and Pluralistic Asian Media


  4. Alma-Ata Conference on Primary Health Care


  5. Examine current challenges to health in the light of the experience gained since the Alma-Ata Conference in1978 ;


  6. Q : Did the Declaration of Alma-Ata live up to your expectations ?


  7. A city of southern Central Asian U.S.S.R.west-southwest of Alma-Ata .


  8. Years later , WHO recorded and continued to implement the Alma-Ata consensus with diverse positive results in different regions and countries .


  9. Thirty years ago , the Declaration of Alma-Ata launched primary health care as the route to greater fairness in health .


  10. This was exactly what happened in Alma-Ata .


  11. The event will take place in Almaty in recognition of the30th anniversary of the Alma-Ata Declaration .


  12. Looking back , we are approaching the30th anniversary of another historical set of commitments : the Declaration of Alma-Ata .


  13. The immediate impact of the Declaration was tremendous because people left Alma-Ata with the conviction that they had participated in a health revolution .


  14. Olympics officials announced the three finalist to hold the winter games in 2022 , Beijing , Oslo , Alma-Ata Tajikistan .


  15. At the end of the conference , a young African woman physician in beautiful African garb read out the Declaration of Alma-Ata .


  16. It will be issued in a significant year : the60th anniversary of WHO and the30th anniversary of Alma-Ata .


  17. In1994 , a WHO review of world changes in health development since Alma-Ata bleakly concluded that the goal of health for all by2000 would not be met .


  18. I also believe we all agree that implementing these approaches is far more challenging today than it was30 years ago when the Declaration of Alma-Ata was signed .


  19. This may be new thinking for world leaders , but the vocabulary is deeply familiar to public health , dating back , as it does , to the Declaration of Alma-Ata .


  20. Then we had this spiritual and intellectual awakening that came out of Alma-Ata , and suddenly some proponents of primary health care went back to the old selective approach again .


  21. It will be released in mid-October , to coincide with the30th anniversary of the Declaration of Alma-Ata .


  22. Timed to commemorate the Alma-Ata anniversary , the report offers practical and technical guidance for reforms that can equip health systems to respond to health challenges of unprecedented complexity .


  23. WHO ' s60th anniversary and the30th anniversary of Alma-Ata provide a particular opportunity to reflect on ethical values and dilemmas arising in the field of public health .


  24. On a third political front , the Declaration of Alma-Ata argued that better health for populations should go hand-in-hand , in a mutually supportive way , with better economic and social productivity .


  25. From NY to Kuala lumpur , from Dosseldorf to alma-ata , from Nuremberg to london , Chinese exhibitors have made their way into overseas markets .


  26. A : Primary health care is more urgently needed now than ever before , not least because you have to find ways of bridging what happened during the first few years after Alma-Ata and what now exists .


  27. The Fifth Sino-Kazakhstan International Workshop on Modern Geodynamics and the Middle-Asia Seismic Hazard held in Alma-Ata , Kazakhstan on September 24-26 , 2003 . Altogether 140 representatives from 7 countries participated the workshop .
