Actual controller

美 [ˈæktʃuəl kənˈtroʊlər]英 [ˈæktʃuəl kənˈtrəʊlə(r)]
  • 网络实际控制人
Actual controllerActual controller
  1. Analysis on relationship between shareholders based on the viewpoint of actual controller


  2. Actual controller is an important concept in the corporate and securities legal system .


  3. The Relation between Actual Controller 、 Ownership Concentration and Performance of Listed Firms


  4. But the independent directors can constraint and balance the actual controller .


  5. Seeing Through and Governing the Fraud of Listed Company 's Actual Controller


  6. The characteristic of actual controller and control power of controlling shareholder influence on the informativeness of accounting earnings


  7. Based on the specific identity of public opinion , Congress is the actual controller of the United States foreign arms sales .


  8. The scope of liquidation obligor shall include the company directors , the controlling shareholders and actual controller .


  9. Controlling shareholder , who is the actual controller of listed company , has a great impact on making the dividend policy .


  10. First , in accordance with the type of the actual controller , the sample is divided into the state-owned enterprises and private enterprises samples .


  11. With weak investor protection , the seperation of ownership and control motivates actual controller to tunnel resources out of firms .


  12. Actual controller is different from controlling shareholders , operators , affiliates , persons acting in concert and other legal concepts .


  13. Secondly , the author expounds the legal characteristics about hidden name shareholder , and on this basis compares them with the " actual controller " .


  14. If the controlling shareholder or actual controller of an issuer is a legal person , the name and shareholders of such legal person shall be disclosed .


  15. Based on the actual controller , the sample companies are divided into State-controlled and non-State-controlled companies to examine how various corporate governance mechanisms make differences in capital structure .


  16. The no-fault liability should be applied to the actual controller such as controlling shareholders , and the fault liability should be applied to the other institution or person .


  17. The backstepping method is used to recursively design virtual controllers for each step in the procedure . Each virtual controller and the resulting actual controller are designed using sliding mode control to compensate for model uncertainty .


  18. The company shall , by referring the said contents , disclose the information about the actual controller , and disclose the ownership and control relationships between itself and the actual controller by block diagram and text .


  19. In settling conflicts among shareholders , the actual controller with state-owned shares background performs even worse than controller with natural person shares . Enhancement Effect still exits obviously in list-companies controlled by state-owned shares .


  20. In an associated enterprise , the actual controller usually makes use of the special internal relationship to move the interests between members . Especially when the enterprise happens to financial risks , this inappropriate behavior is almost commonplace .


  21. The reason that this thesis was proposed is that we are constructing market oriented economy and modern enterprise system , but the corporation legislation has limitedly restrain on the director who is the actual controller of modern corporation .


  22. The " actual controller " refers to anyone who is not a shareholder but is able to hold actual control of the acts of the company by means of investment relations , agreements or any other arrangements .


  23. Making the largest shareholder as the interests of the invasion and occupation of the main body , regardless of actual controller , it seems to be a bit lopsided , so there is scope for further research .


  24. Our country adopts independent regulation mode of actual controller which is clearer and more direct compared with other modes , but if the foundation system is not perfect , it is easy to cause a lack of legislation of supervision .


  25. The model includes main structures of the actual controller and basic portions that affect the dynamic performance of AC / DC systems . It has clear structures and is easy to be assembled and extended , also convenient for parameter debugging .


  26. Moreover , before the share reform , neither of the nature or control proportion of actual controller influenced the information transparency , and the lower the degree of departure between control and ownership , the higher the information transparency of listed companies .


  27. But in these listed companies , often have the actual controller through controlling chain to realize its control gain , and deprived the interests of small and medium shareholders , at last make the listed company of " ultimate control " pocket .


  28. Carries on the legal rules and regulations to the affiliated transactions , must begin from following several aspects . First , through define legal concepts including connected relationship , controlling shareholder and actual controller to define the affiliated transactions main body .


  29. The separation of control rights and cash flow rights comes out , which makes that the actual controller have greater motivation to do harm to the creditors . It means that the agency problems lead to the rise in the cost of debt .


  30. But in this combination , the low exchange rate leads to successful combination . It has two key factors . One is the actual controller is BAI LIAN CO. The other one is that two companies are located in Shanghai and government helps too .
