
  • 网络阿伯塔巴德;阿伯塔巴德区
  1. Now , American officials are studying documents and computers seized during the raid in Abbottabad .


  2. Before the incident , Abbottabad was a popular tourism town named after British officer James Abbott .


  3. Two of his children were even born in the Abbottabad hospital .


  4. The next day we got a lift to Abbottabad , where my grandmother 's family lived .


  5. He suggested sending me to boarding school in Abbottabad like Khushal , but I didn 't want to go .


  6. They liked it very much and told us they had a guesthouse in Abbottabad where we could all go .


  7. Today , at my direction , the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad , Pakistan .


  8. For most Americans , the significance of Abbottabad is anyway not about its possible impact on electoral politics .


  9. Abbottabad is a two-hour drive from Islamabad , the Pakistani capital , and has a large military .


  10. The Abbottabad raid , along with other recent incidents , has increased pressure on the Pakistani military both internationally and domestically .


  11. We stayed there for a week and to my joy I heard Moniba was also in Abbottabad , as was one of our teachers and another friend .


  12. He gave no new specifics about what he did know of Bin Laden 's time here in Abbottabad , only saying an investigation would be launched .


  13. The story was that they had then planted the body in Abbottabad and faked the raid to embarrass Pakistan .


  14. But the Americans had discovered one of his couriers , tracked the number plate of his car and followed it from Peshawar to Abbottabad .


  15. Pakistan has described the US raid on Sunday in Abbottabad as an " unauthorised unilateral action " and said it should not be taken as a rule .


  16. My brother Khushal was now at school in Abbottabad , so it was just me , my parents and Atal .


  17. Americans are already quarrelling about whether it was waterboarding , now banned , that produced the tip that led the CIA to Abbottabad .


  18. Pakistani military spokesman Brigadier General Syed Azmat Ali emphasized that no Pakistani military personnel have been detained in relation to the Abbottabad raid .


  19. A street scene outside a teahouse in the town of Abbottabad , near the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed , in Pakistan , May5,2011 .


  20. A Pakistani policeman watches over media and onlookers outside the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed , in Abbottabad , Pakistan , May5,2011 .


  21. He also met the local army colonel , who said being in college in Abbottabad would not really be any safer and that as long as I kept a low profile we would be OK in Swat .


  22. A weak bin Laden would make Pakistan 's failure to unearth his hiding place in Abbottabad , a military town just two-and-a-half hours'drive from the capital , seem less of a glaring embarrassment .


  23. The strike team for the bin Laden operation included SEAL commandos who underwent weeks of intensive training for the nighttime assault on bin Laden 's high-walled compound in Abbottabad , Pakistan .


  24. With US-Pakistani relations being severely tested by the raid , Mr Donilon said he had not seen " any evidence , at least to date , that the political , military or intelligence leadership of Pakistan knew about Osama bin Laden at Abbottabad " .
