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  • 网络高级可编程中断控制器;可编程中断控制器;高级程序中断控制器;高级可编程序中断控制器;亚洲石化工业会议
  1. At the same time , using the programming methods of APIC carries on the transformation to the original coarse-grained clock mechanism .


  2. And APIC can be absorbed in the form of polysaccharide-iron molecule at duodenum .


  3. Every local APIC has a programmable task priority register ( TPR ), which is used to compute the priority of the currently running process .


  4. The IRQ signal is delivered to the local APIC of the processor that is executing the process with the lowest priority .


  5. The APIC system is organized as three parts : Local APIC , I / O APIC and APIC bus .


  6. This experiment looks into the dosage form and structure of granules in Niferex capsule in order to provide academic and experimental base for enteric-coated APIC formulation .


  7. A message is then sent via the APIC bus to the target 's local APIC , which therefore issues a corresponding interrupt to its own CPU .


  8. This thesis is mainly in order to design the Local APIC , which is applied to the X microprocessor ( we call it as " XL-APIC " at the following parts ) .


  9. ACPI : For older and Non-Intel motherboards , you can choose x86 modified ACPI or old APIC drivers for booting problems .


  10. So we prepared enteric-coated APIC solid dispersion and investigated its properties in vivo and in vitro and the feasibility of APIC absorbed mainly in the form of polysaccharide-iron molecule in enteric-coated preparation .


  11. The concentration-time curves of APIC in rats were fitted to two-compartment model and the AUC increased accordingly as the accrescence of the dosage in the dosage range chose in this experiment .


  12. For some of the interrupts such as the APIC timer interrupt and NIC interrupt , interrupt handling procedures are directly set in the interrupt descriptor table , in order to provide deterministic interrupt response time .


  13. In this paper , the architecture of the Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller ( APIC ) System is introduced , and the Local APIC module , I / O APIC module and APIC BUS are discussed in detail .


  14. When a CPU wishes to send an interrupt to another CPU , it stores the interrupt vector and the identifier of the target 's local APIC in the Interrupt Command Register ( ICR ) of its own local APIC .


  15. The pharmacokinetic study showed that the both serum iron concentration in rats rose obviously after the administration of enteric-coated APIC solid dispersion and Niferex and the AUC of both drugs increased accordingly as the accrescence of the dosage in the dosage range chose in this experiment .
