• 网络东海防空识别区;防空识别圈;防空识别区;识别区;防空辨认区
  1. Japan set up its ADIZ in 1969 and has expanded twice since then .


  2. ' As I told you so last year , this year and next I expect that the People 's Republic of China will declare an ADIZ in the South China Sea , ' he said .


  3. A South China Sea ADIZ would be its second over a disputed maritime area .


  4. Japan called for more discussion on ADIZ at the organization 's next meetings starting late February .


  5. An ADIZ requires all aircraft flying through it to identify themselves to the controlling government .


  6. Right now we have Russian bears penetrating the ADIZ up off alaska .


  7. An ADIZ has no basis in international law but many countries , including the US and UK , have established them for security reasons .


  8. Qin says the ADIZ has not influenced the flight order and normal fly-over since its establishment last Saturday .


  9. The spokesman also refutes Japan 's criticism on China 's ADIZ and reiterates China 's adherence to peaceful development .


  10. Japan does not require airlines to submit plans to enter its ADIZ , merely requesting they do so .


  11. China claimed such an ADIZ over the East China Sea in November 2013 , provoking a diplomatic confrontation with the US and Japan .


  12. Hong Lei made the remarks when answering a question on U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry 's stance about the China ADIZ .


  13. Hong said the United States , which set up its ADIZ as early as six decades ago , has no right to criticize China 's legitimate move .


  14. An ADIZ requires foreign aircraft entering the airspace to identify themselves , and Chinese officials have stressed it is not a territorial claim .


  15. Ever since there has been speculation in the Chinese press about the declaration of a second ADIZ in the South China Sea to buttress territorial claims there .


  16. Adding to the uncertainties , South Korea is considering responding to China 's move by extending its own ADIZ to cover a submerged rock both countries claim .


  17. When it announced the East China Sea ADIZ , China was unable to enforce it days later when the US flew two B-52 bombers through the zone .


  18. China has expressed strong dissatisfaction with Australia 's statement over the establishment of the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone ( ADIZ ) , urging for proper handling of sensitive issues .


  19. China on Saturday urged the United States to drop irresponsible remarks on the Air Defense Identification Zone ( ADIZ ) over the East China Sea to avoid detriment to stability in the region .


  20. ' I don 't know who said China will set up an ADIZ in the South China Sea , but I think this kind of speculation and rumor is made with ulterior motives , ' she said .


  21. In late November , China declared its air defense zone or ADIZ that includes the disputed islands , telling foreign aircraft that they must identify their flight plans within the zone and follow instructions from Chinese aviation authorities .


  22. Gary Li , an independent expert on international security matters in Beijing , said the announcement of a possible ADIZ appeared to be a tit for tat in response to the US overflight this month .


  23. In its official statement announcing the establishment of the ADIZ last month , China 's Ministry of National Defense said it would require flight plan , transponder , radio and logo identification for all aircraft operating in the ADIZ .


  24. Some analysts are asking whether China might extend its ADIZ next into the South China Sea , where it is trying to assert sovereignty over islands that are also claimed by other nations like the Philippines , Vietnam and Malaysia .


  25. Mr Kerry said in response to a question about a second ADIZ in the South China Sea : With respect to the ADIZ we have indeed made clear our feelings about any unilateral announcements and I reiterated that again today .


  26. Japan 's foreign ministry said the country doesn 't scramble for planes that aren 't approaching Japan 's territorial airspace , and doesn 't ask for flight plans when the planes are only flying over Japan 's ADIZ , but declined to comment further .
