
  1. You have given A55 year old man a reason to fight again .


  2. Will you please let me know when I had to got off and change to a55 ?


  3. Petrobras recently announced a55 % increase in its five-year investment plan to $ 174.4 billion .


  4. Rather than direct financial investments , Chery will provide land and technology in return for a55 percent stake of the joint venture .


  5. Five of us , including a55 year old neighbour , were trapped together in our house in Fallujah when the siege began .


  6. The project contributed to a55 % drop in the incidence of intimate partner violence , a key factor in HIV transmission , among a group of poor South African women .


  7. Are overheating DSLRs like Sony 's A55 and A33 a scandal of Watergate proportions , or simply physics at work ?


  8. I have been told the A35 will fix some of the first generation SLT technology issues and maybe that 's why Sony is going to replace the A55 too .


  9. The two new Sony cameras , A55 and A33 , will use the same APS-C sized sensor as the NEX-3 and NEX-5 .


  10. Vice presidents with three years of experience in the same area could expect a55 % cut in bonus to $ 200,000 to $ 250,000 , on top of a base of $ 130,000 to $ 150,000 .
