A Tale of Two Cities

美 [ə teɪl əv tuː ˈsɪtiz]英 [ə teɪl ɒv tuː ˈsɪtiz]
  • 网络双城记;双城故事;双城计
A Tale of Two CitiesA Tale of Two Cities
  1. A Tale of Two Cities is my favorite English classic .


  2. I like Dickens ' " A tale of Two Cities " much .


  3. Analysis of Author 's Ideological Limitation From Two Characters in A Tale of Two Cities


  4. Tripoli today is a tale of two cities .


  5. Dickens ' ; A Tale of Two Cities is a literary classic .


  6. A Tale of Two Cities


  7. T he rise of the renminbi in Hong Kong is a tale of two cities .


  8. Prisons , visible or invisible , are an important theme in A Tale of Two Cities .


  9. I had read A Tale of Two Cities and found it up to my standards as a romantic novel .


  10. The first English novel that Iread was A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens .


  11. He points out of the side window : That was where Dickens based the character in A Tale of Two Cities .


  12. Secondly , the thesis introduces Charles Dickens and his A Tale of Two Cities ; its Chinese versions are introduced and analyzed .


  13. Socks , socks . Take off the socks . the book entitled ` A Tale of Two Cities ' .


  14. and The Dark Knight Rises , which was inspired by the Dickens classic , A Tale of Two Cities .


  15. When Dickens wrote about the French Revolution in A Tale of Two Cities , he did it with nearly a century of hindsight .


  16. A Tale of Two Cities is a masterpiece of Charles Dickens , one of the most outstanding representatives of British Realism Literature in 19th Century .


  17. A Tale of Two Cities : Kashgar VS Langzhong & A Concern on the Renovation for Historical City on the other hand Preserving the Style and Features


  18. With the eighteenth-century French Revolution as its grand historical setting , A Tale of Two Cities embodies more than any other Dickens 's novel the author 's deep concern for the historical movement .


  19. She spent a year in Paris where she studied " A Tale of Two Cities , " which had a major impact on her .


  20. When I finished the cookie she brushed off the table and brought a thick , small book from the bookcase - A Tale of Two Cities .


  21. Vengeance : A Eternal Telepathy And Dialogue & - The Comparison on the Dramatis Personae of A Tale of two Cities and The Weald


  22. In fact , Mr. President , this is a nation --- Mr. President you ought to know that this nation is more a " Tale of Two Cities " than it is just a " Shining City on a Hill . "


  23. I remember my experience during a summer vacation when I made plans to watch 10 original English movies including the classic Casablanca , Rebecca , A Tale of Two Cities , and Little Women .


  24. The findings , published online Dec. 12 in the journal Emotion , suggest a scientific basis for emotional differences between the rich and poor that are depicted in such Charles Dickens classics as A Christmas Carol and A Tale of Two Cities .


  25. The findings , published online Dec. 12 in the journal Emotion , suggest a scientific basis for emotional differences between the rich and poor that are depicted in such Charles Dickens classics as " A Christmas Carol " and " A Tale of Two Cities . "
