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  • 网络四轮转向系统
  1. Informatization Measurement Research in China Requiring Paradigm Transfer Urgently & 4Ws


  2. This paper presents a roll control scheme for four-wheel steering ( 4WS ) vehicles .


  3. Wheel steering ( 4WS ) is one of the developmental tendencies of the automobile industry .


  4. The four-wheel steering ( 4WS ) system is an effective active control technology for improving maneuverability and safety of vehicle in common use .


  5. Local performance of many subsystems on automotive chassis like ABS 、 TCS 、 ASS 、 4WS etc. can be improved by electronic control technology .


  6. Four Wheel Steering ( 4WS ) is an advanced vehicle control technique which can improve steering characteristics . And the simulation is processed in MATLAB / Simulink to verify the control algorithm .


  7. This thesis fully analyses and researches the control principle , steering property , control method of Four-Wheel-Steering ( 4WS ) and the effect of4WS system on the operation stability of a vehicle .


  8. The basic principle of Four-wheel steering ( Four Wheel Steering , referred to 4WS ) is to use some traffic information to control the input of the rear corner , in order to improve the vehicles ' maneuverability and stability .


  9. Based on the theory of yaw-rate tracking control , a system of four-wheel steering ( 4WS ) is designed for motor vehicle at high-speed with the advantages of economy and reliability . The handling and stability of vehicle is also simulated and analyzed .
