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  1. The results showed that the normal hepatic tissue could tolerate regional perfusion with no over than 250mg / kg 5 Fu .


  2. It concluded that there are different critical values of silicon deficiency in different soil types . It is 250mg / kg in Huabei Plain .


  3. Spleen index in tumor-bear mouse was reduced significantly at dose of 125mg / kg and 250mg / kg .


  4. Methods : To establish minimal residual leukemia model by injecting Cytoxan 250mg / kg to transferable L_ ( 7212 ) leukemia rats ' abdominal cavity .


  5. Comparative group : Jin Lai An Shen capsule 4 tablets ( 250mg per tablet ) plus placebo II , 3 tablets each time , three times a day .


  6. The dosage of intravenous itraconazole was 500mg / d for 2 days , and 250mg / d for the rest 12 days .


  7. The control group was given Fructose-1 , 6-diphosphate ( FDP ) 250mg · kg ~ ( - 1 ) intravenously for 7 days .


  8. Twenty rats were treated with hirudo powder ( 250mg / kg , twice daily for 5d , po ) . Brain water and electrolyte levels in these rats were measured at different times .


  9. Different doses ( 250mg / kg , 1250mg / kg , 2500mg / kg ) of Pleurotus ferulae were fed orally for 10 days .


  10. The test result showed that the mixed liquid with 300mg / kg acetic acid bronze or that with 250mg / kg acetic acid zinc and acetic acid bronze had a ideal keeping green result .


  11. After intravenous injection of betaine ( 250mg / kg ), the electroencephalogram of the sane rabbits showed high amplitude voltage slow waves , and the Ivs ( mean integral value of spontaneous EEG ) increased remarkably .


  12. Methods After selective catheterization of the bilateral uterine arteries , 30 cases with uterine fibroid were cured by uterine fibroid pathologic vessel embolization with 100 ~ 250mg PVA particles of 250 ~ 350 μ m.


  13. Methods Rats were subjected to psychological stress by Communication Box model continuously for 14 days ( 30min / d ), and fed with tyrosine in the dose of 250mg / kg , 500mg / kg or 1000mg / kg respectively .


  14. Method : Tea Polyphenol was administered by gastric lavage to C57BL / 6J mouse implanted with Lewis lung cancer for 12 days in doses of 62.5mg / kg , 125mg / kg and 250mg / kg respectively .


  15. 50 ~ 125mg of EPS in vivo enhanced lymphocyte blastogenesis of mice , restored the delayed hyper-sensitivity reaction of immunosuppressed mice and the in vitro data showed that the optimal concentration for the enhancement was 125 ~ 250mg / kg .


  16. The concentration of SS in control group was the highest among all groups . The concentrations of SS in diets contenting copper sulfate were significantly higher than that of copper methionine , when supplemented with equal level of copper ( 125mg / kg or 250mg / kg ) .


  17. Results : Tea Polyphenol at dose of 62.5mg/kg showed no inhibition on Lewis lung cancer cells , inhibitory rates of TP at doses of 125mg / kg and 250mg / kg were 27.2 % and 18.8 % respectively , with significance over controls at dose of 125mg / kg .
