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  1. The cliffs were estimated to be crumbling into the sea at the rate of 10ft an hour .


  2. The world 's biggest species of waterlily can have pads that grow to around3m ( 10ft ) .


  3. My ad hoc speed tests suggested the rangemax next performed very well at short distances of up to about 10ft and about as well as the rangemax 240 at longer ranges up to about 100ft .


  4. Understanding the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is crucial to forecasting future climate change impacts , as it holds enough ice to raise sea levels globally by at least3m ( 10ft ) and perhaps7m ( 23ft ) .


  5. But he was caught out when a YouTube video by blogger Raiza Marinari resufraced from earlier this year , which revealed the ' drop ' was only 10ft rather than 1000ft . Since then , tourists have been flooding to the beauty spot to create their own images .
