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  1. This researching which uses with beer mini-equipment on hand to produce 100L beer every day is aimed at different seasons and different kinds of people to produce winter nutrient ginger-juice warm-beer .


  2. This paper gives a brief outline on the treatment of ammonia-nitrogen wastewater . Based on 100L / h process development unit tests , prospect of industrialization for treatment of ammonia-nitrogen wastewater with rotating packed bed is forecast .


  3. The water use quantity is less , about 2020L ; when average flow rate is about 100L / h , the working time for washing is 4.28h ; it is the optimal selection for ceramic membrane separation technology in the course of the zirconia preparation .


  4. In order to keep clarification and stabilization on seabuckthorn ferment wine of selling period . When putamina polysaccharide and diatom soil 50g + 100g / 100L are made together . After 2 to 3 hours clarification , the effect is the best .
