04 05

04 0504 05
  1. 这是04到05赛季的第五笔转会,而当季也是转会市场最为繁忙的赛季之一。就近年的情况来看,这是一笔聪明的交易。

    It was the fifth trade of a2004-05 season that would go on to become one of the busiest , trade-wise , in recent years .

  2. 我们实际调研了04和05年中国百强电子企业销售,建议把企业看成顶点,生产同一种产品的企业之间连边,表示它们之间的竞争关系。

    We have done the empirical investigation on the vendition of the top 100 Chinese electronic enterprises in 2004 and in 2005 . We suggest that vertices represent enterprises and if two enterprises produce a common product , an edge is connected between them representing the competition relationship between them .
