
  1. 在0-5℃条件下干燥贮藏,地锦可保存18d,五叶地锦花粉可保存21d。

    When stored at 0-5 ℃, the pollen of two species of creeper woodbine could be conserved 18 and 21 days , respectively .

  2. mo1-1.cm-1,钼含量在0-5μm/ml范围内服从比尔定律。

    Cm , the molybdenum content of 0 ~ 5 ? m / ml obeys BIER LAW .

  3. 这个研究调查的对象是18到65岁的成年人,他们为自己的幸福指数打分,分值为0-5。

    The study asked adults ages 18 to 65 to rate their level of happiness on a scale of one to five .

  4. 挑选出最多20首最好的歌曲作为第一届客家流行音乐大奖比赛。每套可选择任意数量(0-5)的歌曲。

    Choose any number of songs from each set up to a maximum of20 Best Songs for The First Hakka Pop Music Awards .

  5. 穗重型品种达计划穗数80%及100%时控蘖主要利用的都是0、0-3、0-4、0-5蘖位的分蘖。

    The panicle weight types both use 0 、 0-3 、 0-4 、 0-5 tillers , when it was 80 % or 100 % of the plan .

  6. 0-5岁儿童出生缺陷儿病死率为29.02%,占总死亡的58.33%(农村56.25%,城市62.50%)。

    The percentage of 0 - 5 years-old children who died of birth defects was 29 . 02 % , accounting for 58.33 % in total dead populations .

  7. 0-5μm的夹杂占两种铸坯夹杂物的比例最大,决定了铸坯内弧至外弧夹杂物分布的特点。

    The sizes of micro-inclusions from 0 to 5 μ m had the largest occupation ratios , which determined the distribution of inclusions between inner and outer arc in casting slab .

  8. [结论]北京市0-5岁儿童体格发育存在性别和城郊差异;

    The obesity to overweight ratio ( OOR ) was 2 . 2 . [ Conclusions ] There are differences in the physical growth of children aged 0-5 years in gender and location in Beijing .

  9. 发病期(0-5天)的特点是发热、剧烈头痛、淋巴结病(淋巴结肿大)、背痛、肌肉痛(肌肉疼痛)以及倍感无力(精神不振);

    The invasion period ( 0-5 days ) characterized by fever , intense headache , lymphadenopathy ( swelling of the lymph node ), back pain , myalgia ( muscle ache ) and an intense asthenia ( lack of energy );