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  • 网络Yinchiao
  1. 剪刺龈交穴治疗内痔30例临床研究

    Clinical Study on 30 Cases of Internal Hemorrhoids Treated with Cutting-Needling Yinjiao Point

  2. 应用挑治龈交穴和腰骶部的痔疮反应点治疗痔疮102例,痊愈69例,好转24例,无效9例,总有效率为911%。

    Acupoint Yinjiao ( GV 28 ) and the hemorrhoid-reactive points on the lower back were pricked to treat hemorrhoid . Results showed cure in 69 cases , improvement in 24 cases and failure in 9 cases ; the total effective rate was 91 1 % .