
  1. 针对黄浦江水系闵行水厂排泥水的处理,通过污泥沉降特性研究,采用收集、浓缩、平衡、投加聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)、离心机固液分离的工艺流程和PLC中央控制,提高了自动化程度。

    The sludge treatment of Minhang Water Works which used Huangpu River water as source was studied . Through sludge settling characteristics study , a process which consisted of collection , thickening , equalization , PAM dosing , solid liquid separation by centrifuge , PLC central control was adopted .

  2. 关于黄浦江水系表层沉积物的现状研究

    Status Quo Study on Surface Sediment of Huangpu River Water System

  3. 黄浦江水系防汛墙结构长期强度评估

    Long-term Strength Evaluation of Floodwall Structure Along Huangpu River