
  1. 陆前高田市是一个以捕鲸业为主的小镇,这里曾经居住着23000名居民。

    Rikuzentakata , a former whaling town , once held 23000 people .

  2. 这些就是陆前高田市仅存的残骸。

    That is all that physically remains of Rikuzentakata .

  3. 一望无际的卡车和挖掘机行列,在陆前高田市的废墟中来回行驶。

    An endless fleet of trucks and excavators rolls through what remains of Rikuzentakata .

  4. 截至七月,仅在日本境内,我们就设立了多处分支,有的在就近的陆前高田市,

    Within Japan , by July , we 'd branched out to the neighboring town of Rikuzentakata ,

  5. 陆前高田市和很多其它地方一样,除了一排排占用了学校操场的暂住屋之外,重建几乎都还没有开始。

    In rikuzentakata , as in many places , very little rebuilding has begun , other than rows of temporary houses that have commandeered school playing fields .