
  1. 案例小组会向反垄断局局长尚明提出建议,最终由商务部副部长马秀红签字批准。

    Case teams make their recommendations to Shang Ming , the Director-General of the Anti-monopoly Bureau , before final sign-off by Ma Xiuhong , a vice-minister of Commerce .

  2. 尽管细节尚未敲定,但外界已获知此次采购代表团将由商务部副部长马秀红带领,前往采购的城市分别是亚特兰大、芝加哥、旧金山和华盛顿。

    Although details have yet to be finalised , the buying mission is to be led by Ma Xiuhong , a vice-minister of Commerce , and take in the cities of Atlanta , Chicago , San Francisco and Washington .