
  • 网络macedonian;the Macedonians
  1. 希腊本土背后是同种的马其顿人和色腊基人。

    In the rear of the Greeks proper came the kindred Macedonians and Thracians .

  2. 而马其顿人也曾经把火炮称作雷电和魔法。

    and was that , which the Macedonians called thunder and lightning , and magic .

  3. 最古老的是在Valandovo举行的Folkfest,其它有大量马其顿人参加的节日在澳洲和加拿大举行。

    The oldest is Folkfest , held in Valandovo , and most festivals have greater turnouts among Macedonian Slav expatriates in Australia and Canada .

  4. 众人拿住保罗同行的马其顿人,该犹,和亚里达古,齐心拥进戏园里去。

    The people seized Gaius and Aristarchus , Paul 's traveling companions from Macedonia , and rushed as one man into the theater .

  5. 公元前168年马其顿人战胜罗马人的一次主要的胜利;导致古马其顿王国的垮台。

    A major victory by the Romans over the Macedonians in 168 BC ; resulted in the downfall of the ancient Macedonian kingdom .

  6. 我的未来?我希望留在拉齐奥,希望拉齐奥能和乌迪内斯达成一致。马其顿人说。

    My future ? I want to stay at Lazio and I hope an agreement can be found with Udinese , stated the Macedonian .

  7. 所有的基督徒都应该时刻注意这样的马其顿人,这个人可能受过高等教育,或者连一点的教育都没有。

    All Christian should be on the lookout for " the man of Macedonia . " That man or woman may be well-educated , or have no education at all .

  8. 万一有马其顿人与我们同去、见你们没有豫备、就叫我们所确信的、反成了羞愧.你们的羞愧、更不用说了。

    Lest haply if they of Macedonia come with me , and find you unprepared , we ( that we say not , ye ) should be ashamed in this same confident boasting .

  9. 在《葬礼竞技会》里,公元前4世纪征服波斯与印度北部的马其顿人亚历山大英年早逝,小说续写其帝国崩裂的历程。

    In'Funeral Games , 'Alexander , the Macedonian who conquered Persia and northern India in the4th century B.C. , dies early on and the novel goes on to describe the breakup of his empire .

  10. 因为我知道你们乐意的心、常对马其顿人夸奖你们、说亚该亚人豫备好了、已经有一年了.并且你们的热心激动了许多人。

    For I know the forwardness of your mind , for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia , that Achaia was ready a year ago ; and your zeal hath provoked very many .

  11. 现在我们希望塞尔维亚人、科索沃人、波斯尼亚人、黑山人、克罗地亚人、阿尔巴尼亚人和马其顿人,所有的人一起展望在欧洲的未来,也就是加入欧盟和北约。

    Now we hope the Serb people , the Kosovars , the Bosnians , the Montenegrins , the Croatians , Albanians , Macedonians-all of them-can look towards a future in Europe , and that is with the EU and NATO .

  12. 保加利亚,塞尔维亚,马其顿以及罗马尼亚人都知道怎样进行人工培养细菌,怎样保护和繁殖它们。

    Bulgars , Serbs , Macedonians and Rumanians knew how to make cultures and how to preserve and multiply them .

  13. 有一只亚大米田的船,要沿着亚细亚一带地方的海边走,我们就上了船开行,有马其顿的帖撒罗尼迦人,亚里达古,和我们同去。

    And entering into a ship of Adramyttium , we launched , meaning to sail by the coasts of Asia ; one Aristarchus , a Macedonian of Thessalonica , being with us .

  14. 尽管克娄巴特拉出生于亚历山大,但她其实是马其顿的后人,而马其顿人则是亚历山大大帝最信任的上将托勒密一世的后裔。

    But while she was born in Alexandria , Cleopatra was actually part of a long line of Greek Macedonians originally descended from Ptolemy I , one of Alexander the Great 's most trusted lieutenants .

  15. 前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国的;前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国人

    The former Yugoslav Republic of