
  • 网络kan tai-keung;Kan Tian-Kueng
  1. 从靳埭强设计实践探究香港平面设计中的本土意识

    Explore the Local Consciousness of Hongkong Graphic Design by Practice of Kan Tai-keung 's Design

  2. 正如当代著名的广告设计师靳埭强所提出的,把中国传统文化的精髓,融入到西方现代设计的理念中去。

    As the famous ad of contemporary designer Kan Tai-Keung proposed : the essence of traditional Chinese culture , modern design into the concept of the West to go .

  3. 以少胜多&浅析靳埭强招贴设计中简约空灵的设计语言

    Analysis KAN Tai Keung 's Brief Design Language in the Poster

  4. 靳埭强说:学生们的思想不受任何约束。

    There is no wall confining students ' minds , said Kan .

  5. 为了更好地表达学生们的创意带给他的惊喜,汕头大学长江艺术与设计学院院长靳埭强拿一位美国学生的作品作为例子。

    Kan , the Shantou University dean , cited work produced by an American student to further explain his excitement about the creativity of students .

  6. 第二部分通过研究靳埭强先生的家庭环境、教育背景以及从业经历,阐述了靳埭强平面设计思想的形成过程与原因。

    The second part expounds the Kan tai-Keung graphic design thought process and the formation reasons by analysis his education background and family environment , working experience .

  7. 优秀设计的经典要素之一即形式的简约:以简御繁。以少胜多&浅析靳埭强招贴设计中简约空灵的设计语言

    One of the classic elements of good design is economy of form : using less to accomplish more . Analysis KAN Tai Keung 's Brief Design Language in the Poster

  8. 第四部分对靳埭强先生不同时期的平面设计作品从不同层面、不同角度进行深入剖析,并总结、归纳出其主要设计符号、表现手法、设计理念和设计方法。

    The fourth part summarizes his main design symbols , expression , design idea and design method by detailed introduce Kan tai-Keung design during different periods of graphic design work from different levels , different angles .

  9. 第三部分通过对靳埭强作品中蕴含的东方思想和传统文化;中西交融;设计理念中的重要因素&创意的详细阐述,反映出靳埭强先生的设计思想。

    The third part reflects Kan tai-Keung design thought by expound the eastern thought and traditional culture ; That Chinese and western blends ; the important factor in design concept-the creative detail contained in his works .

  10. 靳埭强从本土文化古老的根中求改革、创新与发展,站在中西文化交汇现代的桥上,探索和实践着在西方中心化的文化语境中打开另一番天地。

    Kan Tai - keung explores innovations and developments in his native traditional root culture . He stands on the modern bridge which communicates Chinese and Western cultures , exploring and practising to open a new world in the West - centralized cultural linguistic context .