
  • 网络Silage Corn
  1. 对于青贮玉米,Jensen模型能较好地揭示其产量和水分之间的数量关系,拔节-抽穗期对水分最为敏感。

    To silage corn , Jensen model disclosure the numerical relation between yield and water , the most sensitive stage to water is from jointing stage to heading stage .

  2. 青贮玉米是人们根据需要选育出的玉米类型。

    Silage Corn is a new type of corn according people'demand .

  3. 青贮玉米秸秆对鹅纤维及Ca、P表观消化率的影响

    Effect of Corn Silage Straw on Fiber Digestibility and Metabolism of Calcium and Phosphorus in Goose

  4. 总的来说,随N、P用量的增加,青贮玉米整株粗脂肪的含量及产量均呈单峰曲线变化,随密度的增大则略呈下降趋势。

    Crude fat content and yield of maize showed single-peaked curve with the increasing of N and P amounts , decreased with the increasing of density .

  5. 青贮玉米乳熟期鲜产量较高,但含水量也最高,DM含量较低,营养物质累积过少,不利于青贮。

    But also with the highest liquid water content , the lowest dry matter , and the nutrientsubstance cumulation is little , not suitable for the silage .

  6. PCR-DGGE方法分析内蒙古不同地区青贮玉米中乳酸菌群多样性

    Study of Lactobacillus Population Diversity in Corn Silage by PCR-DGGE in Different Regions of Inner Mongolia

  7. 采用PCR-DGGE方法研究浙江玫瑰醋酿造过程中的微生物多样性PCR-DGGE方法分析内蒙古不同地区青贮玉米中乳酸菌群多样性

    Analysis of Microbial Diversity in Zhejiang Rosy Rice Vinegar by PCR-DGGE Study of Lactobacillus Population Diversity in Corn Silage by PCR-DGGE in Different Regions of Inner Mongolia

  8. 添加酶制剂的各试验组均提高了青贮玉米秸的采食量(DMI),分别比对照组提高14.8%、12.6%和36.9%,HE组与对照组差异显著(P<0.05)。

    Enzyme addition resulted in an increased DMI by 14.8 % , 12.6 % and 36.9 % for groups LE , ME and HE respectively , compared to the control .

  9. 在不灌水和灌水60mm条件下将青贮玉米与豌豆以6种带型种植,研究了玉米、豌豆行间土壤水分变化、各群体鲜草产量及干物质水分利用效率。

    Soil moisture , fresh grass biomass and water use efficiency of silage maize and pea intercropping were studied under conditions of non-irrigating and irrigating 60 mm .

  10. 青贮玉米秸秆品质性状遗传分析表明,所研究性状的σ(gca)~2均显并大于σ(sca)~2,GCA较SCA重要。

    The stove quality traits genetic analysis of silage maize showed that the additive variances of those stover quality traits were obviously higher than dominant variance . The general combining ability ( GCA ) was more important than special combining ability ( SCA ) .

  11. 以农大1027组合为材料,在大田条件下分别研究了5种密度及不同收割高度对复播青贮玉米(生长期82d)产量和饲用品质的影响。

    The yield and forage quality of sequential cropping silage maize were studied at 5 densities and different harvest height in this paper .

  12. 拔节期施纯氮90kg·hm-2青贮玉米达到最高产量54972kg·hm-2,再增施氮肥量仅提高其品质;

    The yield of silage maize is the highest which is 54 972 kg · hm ~ ( - 2 ) by applying nitrogenous fertilizer 90 kg · hm ~ ( - 2 ) at the jointing stage . And applying more nitrogenous fertilizer only can improve the forage quality .

  13. 青贮玉米密度与产量及产量构成因素的研究

    Studies on Ensiling Maize Density and Yield and Its Constitute Factor

  14. 7个青贮玉米品种的产量及品质比较

    Comparison of the Yield and Quality of Seven Silage Maize Varieties

  15. 青贮玉米生物产量及营养积累规律研究

    Studies on Accumulation of Organism Yield and Nutrition of Silage Maize

  16. 黑龙江省青贮玉米发展现状和市场前景

    Present Situation and Market Prospects of Ensiling Corn in Heilongjiang Province

  17. 麦茬复种青贮玉米栽培研究

    Study on Cultivation of silage corn on wheat stubble field

  18. 青贮玉米开发利用前景及高产栽培技术

    Developing and Utilizing Prospect of Silage Maize and Its HighYield Cultivation Technique

  19. 黑龙江省青贮玉米收获机械现状及发展趋势

    The Present Status and Developing Tendency of Heilongjiang Province Silage Maize Harvester

  20. 宁夏地区种植苜蓿、青贮玉米的效益分析

    Benefit Analysis of growing alfalfa and silage maize in Ningxia

  21. 青贮玉米物质生产特性与营养品质的研究

    Study on Production Characteristics and Nutritive Quality of Silage Maize

  22. 种植的首选饲料作物是青贮玉米和紫花苜蓿。

    Silage corn and alfalfa is two feed crops to be grown .

  23. 影响青贮玉米生物产量关键指标的筛选及其遗传研究

    Screening and Genetic Research for Biology Yield Key Index in Silage Maize

  24. 不同类型青饲青贮玉米的比较研究

    Studies on Comparison Among Different Type Green-forage and Silage Maize

  25. 夏播青贮玉米的播期及产量性能初探

    Study on the seed-time and yield trait of Silage Maize

  26. 上海地区青贮玉米主要营养成分分析

    Study on Primary Trophic Ingredients of Corn Silage in Shanghai

  27. 青贮玉米收获机打捆装置自动控制系统设计

    Design of Automatic Control System on Baling Apparatus for Ensilage Maize Combine

  28. 辽宁省复种青贮玉米潜力分析与技术探讨

    Potential analysis and technical discussion on multiple cropping silage corn in Liaoning

  29. 玉米被用作牲口饲料。洛阳市奶牛场青贮玉米饲料质量评价

    Evaluation on the Quality of Silage Corn Feed in Luoyang Cattle Farms

  30. 青贮玉米饲喂绵羊的效益分析

    The experiment on raise sheep and fatten in Silage Maize