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  • cryptochrome
  1. UV-B、隐花色素和光敏色素信号传递途径之间的相互作用调控CHS表达。

    Interactions within a network of UV-B , cryptochrome and phytochrome signaling pathways regulate CHS expression .

  2. 对突变体分析表明,红光下光敏色素B,远红光下光敏色素A,蓝光下隐花色素1起主要调节作用。

    The response was essentially controlled by phytochrome B in red light , phytochrome A in far red light and cryptochrome 1 in blue light . The coaction was also existed among different photoreceptors by analyzing mutants .

  3. 利用不同的光受体缺失突变体研究光受体的作用表明,隐花色素1、光敏色素A和光敏色素B参与调节了光对下胚轴的抑制作用。

    Different photoreceptor null mutants were used to research the action of photoreceptor , and the results indicated that cryptochrome 1 , phytochrome A and phytochrome B participate in the modulation of light inhibition process of hypocotyls elongation .

  4. 隐花色素(cryptochrome)是一类对UV-A/蓝光作出应答的光受体。

    Cryptochrome is one of the UV-A / blue light photoreceptors .

  5. 拟南芥隐花色素突变体抑制子的筛选及其表型分析

    Screening and Phenotypic Analysis of a Suppressor of Cryptochromes Mutant in Arabidopsis

  6. 但是,隐花色素是否在维持人类的生物钟上有重要作用呢?

    But can it do more than keep the circadian clock ticking ?

  7. 光敏色素和隐花色素等是光周期反应的受体。

    Phytochrome and cryptochrome are the receptors of photoperiod response .

  8. 植物的隐花色素及其光信号转导

    Plant Cryptochrome and Its Light Signal Transduction

  9. 本研究为拟南芥隐花色素的功能研究提供了一个新的突变体。

    The results provide a new mutant for genetic studies of cryptochrome functions in Arabidopsis thaliana .

  10. 为了找到问题的答案,科学家把果蝇身上的隐花色素基因敲除,插入人类的隐花色素基因。

    To find out , researchers took out fruit flies ' usual cryptochrome gene and inserted the human version .

  11. 隐花色素在人体和动物体内也有表达,并且已被证明可以调节生物钟。

    Cryptochromes are present in humans and animals as well and have been proven to regulate the mechanisms of the circadian clock .

  12. 不过,人类隐花色素不是负责感光,似乎也不能让人类具有感应磁场的非凡力量。

    Human cryptochrome doesn 't require light to function , though - and it doesn 't seem to give us a phenomenal sensitivity to magnetic fields .

  13. 在植物中,隐花色素是吸收和处理蓝光的光感蛋白,而它具有促进生长、幼苗发育和茎叶的扩展的作用。

    In plants , cryptochromes are photoreceptor proteins which absorb and process blue light for functions such as growth , seedling development , and leaf and stem expansion .

  14. 结果,转基因果蝇在光照条件下依然具有感应磁场迷宫的能力,这也说明人类隐花色素蛋白依然可以作为光敏磁场感应器。

    And the transgenic flies had no problem navigating a magnetic maze when exposed to light - indicating the human protein can still serve as a light-sensitive magnetic sensor .

  15. 隐花色素主要存在于视网膜中,但是他们在身体的很多靠近表皮的组织也有表达。

    Although cryptochromes are mainly found in the retina of the eye , they are also present in many different tissues of the body that are close to the surface .

  16. 隐花色素的存在暗示也许在某些条件下,人类可以感知磁场,或者,进化使得隐花色素在我们这样的新诞生物种体内负责新的任务。

    Which suggests we might be able to see magnetic fields in some way . On the other hand , evolution might have just given cryptochrome a new job in new organisms .

  17. 数十年来,研究人员一直在研究动物身上的这种现象,他们发现狗、狐狸和熊的眼睛中都有磁场传感分子隐花色素--该研究在今年早些时候被发布。

    For decades , researchers has been studying this phenomenon in animals and discovered that dogs , foxes and bears also have the field-sensing molecule cryptochrome in their eyes - this work was published earlier this year .

  18. 近年来,对拟南芥及其它植物的分子遗传研究,在隐花色素和向光素的分子、基因和蓝光信号转导方面取得了显著进展。

    In recent years , great progress has been made in the molecular genetic research of Arabidopsis and other plants , especially in the molecules and genes of cryptochromes and phototropins , and signaling of blue light .

  19. 过去的研究认为长距离迁徙动物,在一种名为“隐花色素”的感光蛋白作用下能够感知磁场,即便是果蝇这样的生物,也同样如此。我们人类同样能够合成这种蛋白,如果没有这种蛋白,我们的生物钟就无法运行。

    Previous studies suggest long-distance migrators - and even fruit flies - pick up magnetic fields with the help of a light-sensitive protein called " cryptochrome . " We produce cryptochrome too - without it , our circadian clocks would break .

  20. 据《科学》杂志报道,其他一些专家则表示,“第六感”来自于铁矿和磁铁矿,有点类似于“指南针”,而其他人则认为“第六感”来源于视网膜中一种被称为隐花色素的蛋白质。

    Other experts say this ' sixth sense ' harnesses its power from iron mineral and magnetite to act as ' compass needles ' , while others say it relies on protein in the retina called cryptochrome , reports Science magazine .