
  • 网络Chenxi county
  1. 中国湖南省辰溪县财政局

    " Chenxi County Bureau of Finance , Huanan Province , China "

  2. T优207在辰溪县山区作中稻高产栽培技术

    High-yielding Cultural Techniques for T You 207 Planted as Medium Rice in the Mountainous Area of Chenxi , Hunan

  3. 来自湘辰溪县,爱好笛子演奏。

    From xiangchenxi county , like to play Chinese bamboo flute .

  4. 对辰溪县矿产资源开发现状、存在的问题及其原因进行了具体分析。

    This paper made an in-depth analysis on the exploitation of Chenxi County 's mineral resources and its current problems .

  5. 针对辰溪县硫铁矿烧渣的利用现状,以硫铁矿烧渣为原料,制取铁精粉的新工艺进行探讨。

    It is analyzed the current use of pyrite cinder in Chenxi County and made an in-depth discussion on the new technology for the preparation of iron concentrate powder from pyrite cinder .