
yì shì
  • anecdote
轶事 [yì shì]
  • [anecdote] 同逸事。世人不知道的史事。多指未经史书记载的事迹

  • 名人轶事

轶事[yì shì]
  1. 他在记忆力和讲述趣闻轶事方面颇具天赋。

    He has a talent for recollection and anecdote .

  2. 他听着这段关于总统幼年时代的轶事。

    He listened to this anecdote about the president 's childhood .

  3. 杰西卡翻阅了自己收集的大量演艺界的趣闻轶事资料。

    Jessica dipped into her store of theatrical anecdotes .

  4. 它不仅仅是职业外交家的教科书,里面的轶事趣闻外行的读者也会喜欢。

    It is not just a textbook for professional diplomats . The lay reader will enjoy the anecdotes .

  5. 他开始滔滔不绝地讲起萧伯纳的轶事。

    He launched into endless anecdotes about Shaw .

  6. 他很好相处并向我讲了许多发生在他身上的奇闻轶事。

    He was very easy-going and told me lots of anecdotes about himself .

  7. 这些轶事可作茶余饭后的谈助。

    These anecdotes are good for after-dinner conversation .

  8. 他讲述自己初任议员那几年的几则轶事

    He related several anecdotes about his first years as a congressman .

  9. 他偏离课文讲起了一则轶事。

    He departed from the text to tell an anecdote .

  10. 这个词来源于英国殖民印度时期的一桩轶事。

    The term cobra effect stems from an anecdote3 set at the time of British rule of colonial India .

  11. 我想有一件关于Apple的轶事可以拿来谈谈,毕竟它已经过去足够长的时间了。

    I think enough time has passed that I can share the following anecdote .

  12. 索托先生(MrShorto)是一位已在荷兰首都生活了6个年头的美国人,他的书中都是阐明现时阿姆斯特丹弥漫着历史印记的个人轶事。

    Mr Shorto , an American who has lived in theDutch capital for six years , sprinkles the book with personal anecdotes thatillustrate how history suffuses the present .

  13. 十年前,密歇根大学社会心理学家理查德尼斯贝(RichardNisbett)向《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)抱怨称,这项实验名声太大,成了被美化的奇闻轶事。

    Richard Nisbett , a social psychologist at the University of Michigan , complained to The New York Times a decade ago about the study 's fame , calling it a glorified anecdote .

  14. 在普华永道的课程中,西蒙斯学院(SimmonsCollege)的教授、网络与辅导专家史黛西•布莱克•比尔德讲述了在她职业早期的一则轶事。

    In the Pricewaterhouse Coopers course , Stacey blake-beard , a professor at Simmons College and an expert on networks and mentoring , tells an anecdote from early in her own career .

  15. 基础知识以及Greg根据多年经验而积累下来的轶事和技巧的融合,使得这本书都值得一读。

    The combination of fundamental knowledge and dozens of anecdotes and techniques based on years of experience that Greg has accumulated makes the book a great read .

  16. 在去年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,本尼迪克特康伯巴奇在英国乐队U2拍照时抢镜的轶事已经非常著名,如今,他又开始玩起这抢镜头的小闹剧了。

    He famously photobombed U2 at the Oscars last year , and now Benedict Cumberbatch is up to his scene stealing tricks again .

  17. 财富网(Fortune.com)定期从网站“250字”(250Words)挑选最引人入胜的短文、趣闻轶事和作者访谈。美国西蒙与舒斯国际出版公司(Simon&Schuster)开发该网站,旨在探讨世界各地最新出版的商业佳作。

    Fortune.com selects the most compelling short essays , anecdotes , and author interviews from " 250 Words , " a site developed by Simon & Schuster to explore the best new business books - wherever they may be published .

  18. 美国地质勘探局(USGS)的地球物理学家称,虽然有许多奇闻轶事,但是他们还没有找到狗狗或者其他动物的特定行为与地震之间的关联。

    Geophysicists at the U.S. Geological Survey have said that despite many anecdotes , they have not found a strong connection between specific dog or other animal behavior and earthquakes .

  19. 书中对克莱夫爵士的精彩轶事描写尤为精湛,使我们对1984年剑桥小酒馆发生的冲突记忆犹新,在那里克莱夫爵士与他曾经的得力助手、当时为竞争对手Acorn效力的克里斯•柯里(ChrisCurry)发生争执。

    When it steers , however , towards the colourful history of Sir Clive - especially reminding us of the 1984 fight in a Cambridge pub with his erstwhile right-hand man , Chris Curry , by then at rival Acorn - it is glorious stuff .

  20. 利平科特出版社(Lippincott)的编辑们对李说,她的书稿读起来像一连串轶事,不像小说,但是鼓励她重写。

    Editors at Lippincott told Lee that her manuscript read like a string of anecdotes , not a novel , but encouraged her to revise .

  21. 几则轶事会对你的书增加刺激性。

    A few anecdotes will add a fillip to your book .

  22. 趣闻轶事常常是茶余饭后的话题。

    Anecdotes are often an after-dinner speaker 's stock in trade .

  23. 她告诉我有关这家医院及病人的趣闻轶事。

    She tell us anecdotes about the hospital and the patients .

  24. 工作经历、与工作有关的趣闻轶事

    Your work experience and humorous anecdotes as they relate to work

  25. 他可以因为对轶事的爱好而浪费许多时间。

    He could be time consuming with his penchant for anecdotes .

  26. 二:可怕的经历,这些经历未来会成为惊人的轶事。


  27. 他有一肚子关于名人的趣闻轶事。

    He has a great fund of amusing anecdotes about great men .

  28. 他因精通人情世故及善于讲有趣的轶事而被人仰慕。

    He was admired for his savoir-vivre and entertaining anecdotes .

  29. 关于某人或某地的轶事的集合。

    A collection of anecdotes about a person or place .

  30. 好了,接下来是约翰的趣闻轶事。

    Now onto some funny stories about John . What 's wrong ?
