
tí zi
  • hoof;leg of pork;wench
蹄子 [tí zi]
  • (1) [hoof]∶保护有蹄类哺乳动物足趾前部的曲形角质覆盖物,将趾的末端几乎全部包裹住

  • (2) [leg of pork] 〈方〉∶猪蹄

  • (3) [wench]∶旧时骂女子的话

蹄子[tí zi]
  1. 我被一只蹄子踢到了。

    I was kicked by a hoof .

  2. 你是否注意到,他不是用他的蹄子运球。

    If you notice , he doesn 't dribble with his hoof .

  3. 我能听见马打响鼻儿、跺蹄子的声音。

    I could hear the snort and stamp of a horse .

  4. 马迪根的马用蹄子扒着地面。

    Madigan 's horse pawed the ground

  5. 骆驼的蹄子虽然非常适合于在干沙上行走,碰到泥泞时却无计可施。

    The camel 's feet , well adapted for dry sand , are useless on mud .

  6. 老师问他的学生们一头牛有几只蹄子。

    The teacher asked his pupils how many hooves a cow has .

  7. 可怜的Penguin从不喜欢匆促,但今天早上,看来它必须得把蹄子放快些了。

    Poor Penguin never liked to rush but this morning he would have to get his hooves moving faster than just a canter .

  8. 我也能用我那又大又沉的蹄子来踢。

    I also might kick with my big , heavy hoofs .

  9. 它的双脚根本算不上脚,而是两只小蹄子。

    The feet were not feet at all but tiny hooves .

  10. 蹄子切刀(不包括剪子),贱金属制

    Cutter , hoof ( excl. scissors ) , of base metal

  11. 只有长着脚、爪子或蹄子的动物可以进入保护区。

    They may be entered only on foot , paw or hoof .

  12. 骆驼蹄子的确就是罗伯特说的那样

    A camel toe is pretty much what Robert said it was .

  13. 羊妹妹,你洗过蹄子了吗?

    Sheba , did you remember to wash your hooves ?

  14. 蹄子上长着用于抓握东西的尖尖的小指甲。

    The hooves had toes with sharp , tiny toenails for gripping .

  15. 这匹马呼哧呼哧地喘着气,不耐烦地跺着蹄子。

    The horse snorted and stamped its hoof impatiently .

  16. 你的蹄子就不该搭在方向盘上

    Your hoofs aren 't meant to be on a wheel ! Hey !

  17. 有小蹄子腾跃踢踏的响声。

    The prancing and pawing of each little hoof .

  18. 抱歉蹄子握翅膀

    Sorry . And a hoof to a wing .

  19. 它还能用蹄子抽烟什么的。

    And she can smoke with hoofs and everything .

  20. 动物的蹄子留在一个表面上的可见痕迹。

    A visible impression on a surface made by the hoof of an animal .

  21. 我和骆驼蹄子一起留在这里

    I 'll stay here with camel toe .

  22. 她的同学们叫她骆驼蹄子

    That her colleagues call her camel toe .

  23. 他蹄子裹的是什么

    What is he wearing on his hooves ?

  24. 那匹马露出眼白,用蹄子乱踢。

    The horse showed the whites of its eyes and lashed out with its hoofs .

  25. 等待是时间的蹄子。

    Waiting is the hoofs of time .

  26. 大多数奶牛都只有四只蹄子。

    Most cows only have four hooves .

  27. 为什么叫你“骆驼蹄子”?知道

    Why you get called camel toe ?

  28. 在冬天,野山羊会用蹄子挖出食物,并与火鸡分享。

    In winter , aegagrus will dig food with hooves and share it with turkey .

  29. 然而,他那好像是山羊的下半身,有一双蹄子和一条长长的狮子尾巴。

    His goat-like lower body , however , had hooves and a long leonine tail .

  30. 请兽医检查一下四肢和蹄子是很重要的。

    It is important to have limbs and hooves checked by a vet and farrier .