
tí tù
  • rock hyrax;hyracoid;hyracid
蹄兔[tí tù]
  1. 遗传物质DNA的证据剖明,年夜该物种的脚趾甲、獠牙和极好的记忆力揣度,蹄兔极有可能是年夜象家族中的一个小成员。

    Alongside DNA evidence , the creature 's toenails , tusks and excellent memory make it a good candidate for being a tiny member of the elephant family .

  2. 生活的多岩地区蹄兔。

    Hyrax that lives in rocky areas .

  3. 南非的特点是游猎探险的气息,部落的味道,野草以及蹄兔香(一种石头一样的物质,由蹄兔的粪便构成)

    South Africa 's smell captures the adventure of safari with notes of tribalincense , wild grass and musky animalics through the scent of Hyraceum ( a rocklike substance made from the excrement of the Capehyrax ) .

  4. 南非的气味捕捉了如冒险般的游猎的气息,混杂着部落的焚香、野草的气味和蹄兔香中透着的动物的麝香。(蹄兔香是一种岩石状物质,由蹄兔的排泄物形成。)

    South Africa 's smell captures the adventure of safari with notes of tribal incense , wild grass and musky animalics through the scent of Hyraceum ( a rock like substance made from the excrement of the Cape hyrax ) .