
  1. StephenHarper政府态度转变加拿大外交部长JohnBaird,坚持认为加拿大政府对赖昌星的遣返背后没有政治操控。作为发生在九十年代的这场显然得到官方默许的数十亿美金走私大案的参与者,赖昌星7月23号一到北京就立即被捕。

    JOHNBAIRD , Canada 's foreign minister , insists there wasno hidden political hand behind his government 's deportation on July 23rd ofLai Changxing to Beijing , where he was promptly arrested on charges relating toa multi-billion dollar smuggling ring which acted there with apparent officialconnivance in the 1990s .

  2. 中国当局从1999年开始就开始为赖昌星遣返而向加拿大施压。

    The Chinese authorities have been pressing Canada tohand over Mr Lai since 1999 .

  3. 赖昌星曾经多次上诉,而每次上诉均被驳回,至此遣返才生效。

    His deportation came only after he exhausted every avenue ofappeal , of which there were many .

  4. 从中国官方对赖昌星遣返的欣喜态度上来看,这些目标很可能被热烈欢迎。

    Judging from the rapturous official responsein China to the deportation of Mr Lai , the mission is likely to get a warm welcome .

  5. 尽管他强调自己不会干预赖昌星的案子,但他还补充说“加拿大和中国人民都不愿意在白领骗子身上浪费太多的时间。”

    Though he stressed thathe could not interfere in Mr Lai 's case , he added that " the Canadian people andthe Chinese people don 't have a lot of time for white-collar fraudsters . "

  6. 联邦法院7月21号作出的这个决定是赖昌星和移民局漫长司法斗争的结果。早在2000年6月加拿大方面就已经拒绝赖昌星的难民申请并且启动了遣返程序。

    The federal court order of July 21st capped along legal battle between Mr Lai and the immigration authorities that began inJune 2000 , when Canada decided he was not a legitimate refugee and issued adeportation order .

  7. 无论最后审核案件的移民局的官员还是法官都是基于政府的保证才做出的决定,即赖昌星被遣返之后不会受到刑讯、非常规的惩罚或者被判死刑。

    Both the immigration official who lastreviewed the case and the judge based their decisions on assurances sought andreceived by the government that Mr Lai would not be tortured , subjected tocruel and unusual punishment or killed if he were sent back .