
JOHNBAIRD , Canada 's foreign minister , insists there wasno hidden political hand behind his government 's deportation on July 23rd ofLai Changxing to Beijing , where he was promptly arrested on charges relating toa multi-billion dollar smuggling ring which acted there with apparent officialconnivance in the 1990s .
The Chinese authorities have been pressing Canada tohand over Mr Lai since 1999 .
His deportation came only after he exhausted every avenue ofappeal , of which there were many .
Judging from the rapturous official responsein China to the deportation of Mr Lai , the mission is likely to get a warm welcome .
Though he stressed thathe could not interfere in Mr Lai 's case , he added that " the Canadian people andthe Chinese people don 't have a lot of time for white-collar fraudsters . "
The federal court order of July 21st capped along legal battle between Mr Lai and the immigration authorities that began inJune 2000 , when Canada decided he was not a legitimate refugee and issued adeportation order .
Both the immigration official who lastreviewed the case and the judge based their decisions on assurances sought andreceived by the government that Mr Lai would not be tortured , subjected tocruel and unusual punishment or killed if he were sent back .