
  • 网络Quaker;The Quakers;Quakerism;Religious Society of Friends
  1. 这些是管理能力问题,而与价值观、贵格会或其它问题无关。

    These are issues of management competence rather than values , Quaker or otherwise .

  2. 它的建立者威廉·派恩及其众多追随者,都是新教徒贵格会团体的成员。

    Its founder , William Penn , and most of his followers , were members of the Protestant Quaker religion .

  3. 大约在同一时期,重视平等的贵格会信徒也采用了握手的问候方式。

    Around the same time , the Quakers — who valued equality — also made use of the handshake .

  4. 他认为荷兰人的想法源于17世纪80年代的英国,英国的清教徒和贵格会(Quaker)信徒等新教激进分子提出了这些想法。

    He carried Dutch ideas back to England in the 1680s , where Protestant radicals like the Puritans and Quakers picked them up .

  5. 多年来,贵格会从事了许多慈善事业。

    Over the years Quakers have worked for many humane causes .

  6. 贵格会教徒强调事事简朴的重要性。

    Quakers emphasize the importance of simplicity in all things .

  7. 贵格会教徒欧洲事务理事会;

    Quaker Council for European affairs ;

  8. 贵格会教徒经常让他们的“乘客”不分男女穿上灰衣服,戴上深沿帽,披着把头部完全遮盖住的面纱。

    Quakers often dressed their " passengers ," both male and female , in gray dresses , deep bonnets and full veils .

  9. 你是否信奉你们的国教?宗教教徒聚会的地方(多指不信奉英国国教的教徒(如贵格会会员))。

    Do you conform to your state 's official religion ? a building for religious assembly ( especially Nonconformists ( e.g. Quakers )) .

  10. 使某人忘记某事、对某事断念多年来,贵格会从事了许多慈善事业。

    Beat / put / get sth. out of sb . 's head Over the years Quakers have worked for many humane causes .

  11. 贵格会教徒马德琳.麦凯说,抗议示威活动是向参加11月4号总统选举的候选人传递一个信息。

    Madelyn MacKay , a Quaker , says the protests are sending a message to the candidates in the November 4 presidential election .

  12. 代表团指出,它正在计划继续其与贵格会和国际贸易与发展中心的合作活动。

    The delegation indicated that it was planning to continue the work together with the Quakers and the International Center for trade and development .

  13. 弗雷德希望能把这个孩子救到英国。圣诞节之前,贵格会的救济行动把这两个孩子救过来了。

    He tried to help her get her sons to England , and this was achieved just before Christmas by the Quakers ' Relief Action .

  14. 在这场大战当中,新兴的贵格会便很好地利用了这种传播媒介,通过大规模的小册子出版活动,最大限度地扩大了自己的影响力。

    In this war , the new Quaker made a good use of this kind of media and maximized expanding their influence by mass pamphlet publication .

  15. 他的母亲是一个温和的贵格会成员,热爱和平。当儿子上前线时,她轻声哭泣,但她明白儿子为什么要走。

    A gentle Quaker mother with a passionate concern for peace quietly wept when he went to war but she understood why he had to go .

  16. 爱丁顿,一个贵格会教徒,一个和平主义者和国际主义者,他将艾伦的生涯推进到下一步。

    It was Eddington , who as a Quaker was a pacifist and internationalist , who stimulated the next outward and visible step in Alan 's career .

  17. 在北卡罗来纳州长大的贵格会教徒利瓦伊•科芬解释说:“《圣经》上只是要我们给饥者以食物,无衣者以衣衫,但没提到过肤色的事。”

    Levi Coffin , a Quaker raised in North Carolina , explained ," The Bible , in bidding us to feed the hungry and clothe the naked , said nothing about color . "

  18. 以朴素节俭苦行和坚持静默而著称的一类僧侣的成员。公谊会(俗称贵格会)的创立是基于生活俭朴、爱好和平的教义。

    Member of an order of monks noted for austerity and a vow of silence . The Society of Friends ( commonly called Quakers ) was founded on the principles of simple living and pacifism .

  19. 两家都是久负盛名的机构,有着审慎且令人敬佩的财务历史:北岩银行的前身是东北部一家共同所有的建房互助会,欧沃伦格尼银行则在东安格利亚贵格会拥有深厚根基。

    Both were long-established institutions with histories of prudent and highly respectable finance : Northern Rock as a mutually owned building society in the north-east , Overend with its roots deep in Quaker East Anglia .