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  1. 沉积物中脲酶活性与有机质显著正相关。

    Urease activity in sediments and organic matter had a significant positive correlation .

  2. 提高岩溶桩基地质钻探正判率的方法

    Method of Enhancing Correct-judgement Rate by the Pile Foundation Geological Drilling in Karst Area

  3. 第一主成分与土壤含水量、有机质呈现正相关,与土壤容重、总盐呈现负相关。

    The first principal component was positively correlated with the soil moisture content and organic matter , negatively correlated with soil bulk density and total salt .

  4. 父母亲严厉、惩罚与神经质分和精神质分正相关,与掩饰倾向分负相关(P<0.01)。

    The parents ' strict punishment had positive correlations with the scores of neuroticism and psychoticism , but had negative correlation with the score of lie ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 孢子密度与土壤速效N呈极显著正相关,丛枝定殖率与土壤有机质呈显著正相关,总定殖率和菌丝定殖率与土壤pH呈极显著正相关。

    Arbuscule and soil organic matter are positively correlated . Total and hypha colonization are positively correlated with soil pH.

  6. 质胜于量正是摩羯座的优势所在,今天会证明这一点。

    Quality over quantity is something at which Capricorn excels , and today will prove that point .

  7. AM真菌菌丝定殖率、丛枝定殖率和总定殖率都与土壤速效氮、速效磷和有机质呈显著正相关,泡囊定殖率只与土壤速效氮呈极显著正相关。

    AM fungi hyphal colonization , arbuscular colonization and total colonization have a positive correlation with available nitrogen , available phosphorus and organic matter .

  8. 孤独感与神经质和精神质呈显著正相关,而与外向性呈负相关,这与国内外已有的研究结果基本一致。

    Loneliness bears a significantly positive correlation with neurosis and psychosis , and a negative correlation with extroversion . The result is consistent with previous findings .

  9. 随着气象事业的快速发展,人们对于信息的需求无论从量还是质上都正发生着深刻变化。

    With the fast development of the meteorological cause , the deep change is taking place no matter from quantity or the quality in the demands for information of people .

  10. 微生物种群多样性与废水中的有机质复杂性成正相关,中药废水由于含有较复杂的有机质成分,种群多样性最高,而人工配水的处理系统由于营养成分单一,种群多样性较低;

    The diversity of microbial populations is correlated with the complexity of organic contaminants in wastewater . Chinese traditional medicine wastewater contains more complex organic components , so the population diversity is higher than that of simple nutrient bioreactors fed with molasses wastewater .

  11. 同时有效K与有机质呈极显著正相关性,与有效P和有效Zn呈显著相关。

    It correlated positively to organic matter most significantly , to efficient P and Zn .

  12. 坡向和全N、有机质含量呈显著正相关关系,海拔和全N、有机质含量呈极显著正相关关系;

    The correlation with aspect and the content of total nitrogen and organic matter is positively significant .

  13. 网络及其衍生技术的发展使传统CAD发生了质的飞跃,正衍变成为一门新的学科。

    With the development of network and derivative technology , the traditional CAD has remarkably changed into a new subject .

  14. 有效锌与有机质间呈显著正相关。

    Available Zn was significantly correlated to organic material .

  15. 土壤微生物的数量与土壤养分尤其是土壤有机质有明显的正相关关系;

    The quantity of microbe is positively correlated to the soil organic matter .

  16. 东海泥质区单体正构烷烃的碳同位素组成及物源分析

    Compound-specific carbon isotope compositions of individual n-alkanes in the East China Sea mud areas

  17. 全氮、碱解氮含量和有机质含量呈显著正相关关系。

    There was a significant positive correlation between the contents of organic matter and contents of total nitrogen and available nitrogen .

  18. 有机化合物中的α-氢特性研究东海泥质区单体正构烷烃的碳同位素组成及物源分析

    The specific property of a - h in organic compound compound - specific carbon isotope compositions of individual n - alkanes in the East China Sea mud areas

  19. 土壤蔗糖酶、脲酶和碱性磷酸酶活性互呈极显著正相关,且均与速效氮及有机质呈极显著正相关。

    There is an extreme positive correlation among the activities of sucrase , urease and alkaline phosphatase , and every of them has an extreme positive relativity with the soil readily available nutrient and organic matter .

  20. 结论:(1)父母拒绝、父母过分保护与子女精神质之间呈显著正相关,父母情感温暖和子女精神质之间呈显著负相关;

    Conclusion : ( 1 ) the relationship between parents ' refusal or parents ' excessive safeguard and children 's spirit grade takes on remarkable direct relation , while the relationship between the parentally emotional warmth and children 's spirit grade takes on remarkable minus relation .

  21. 根际土壤中pH与有机质呈极显著负相关性,非根际土壤中pH与有机质呈极显著正相关性。

    Rhizosphere soil pH and organic matter showed a significant negative correlation , while non-rhizosphere soil pH and organic matter showed a significant positive correlation .

  22. 急性湿疹与湿热质,亚急性湿疹与痰湿质、气虚质,慢性湿疹与阳虚质、阴虚质、血瘀质正相关。

    Acute eczema and humid nature , subacute eczema and phlegm , qi deficiency , chronic eczema and yang , yin deficiency , blood stasis positive . 6 .

  23. 湿热浸淫证与湿热质,脾虚湿蕴证与痰湿质、气虚质,血虚风燥证与阳虚质、阴虚质,湿热瘀阻证与湿热质正相关。

    Heat and damp-heat syndrome steeped , spleen wet Yun syndrome and phlegm , qi deficiency , blood deficiency and wind dryness yang , yin deficiency , damp heat stasis and qualitative positive .