
huò wù bāo zhuānɡ
  • Goods packaging;package of goods;package of freight
  1. 字符中包含着丰富的信息量,因此利用字符识别方法可以提取货物包装上的文字信息对物体进行分类。

    Characters contain abundant information , so we can draw the character information on the package of goods to classify the objects .

  2. 把货物包装在坚实的箱子里是necessary。

    For the goods to be packed in strong cases is necessary .

  3. 货物包装时箱底所垫海绵不够。

    The goods were packed without sufficient padding in the case .

  4. 将这些货物包装在结实的箱子里是必要的。

    It is necessary to pack the goods in strong boxes .

  5. 客户应负责确保托运货物包装完好。

    The customer remains responsible for ensuring packaging is adequate for transportation .

  6. 货物包装得很仔细,装船很小心,在这儿完好无损。

    The goods were carefully packed and shipped here in excellent condition .

  7. 并可为出口货物包装的企业代为报检。

    And packaging for export goods inspection on behalf of the enterprise .

  8. 货物包装不良或者标志欠缺、不清;

    Inadequacy of packing or insufficiency of illegibility of marks ;

  9. 危险货物包装试验的研究

    A Study on Test for Packagings of Dangerous Goods

  10. 危险货物包装问题报告员小组

    Group of Rapporteurs on the Packing of Dangerous Goods

  11. 越洋液体货物包装管理系统的数据库实现

    FLUID THERAPY Database Implementation of Trans Ocean Distribution MIS

  12. 货物包装好了吗?

    Have the goods been packed yet ?

  13. 承运人应当查验、收存运输证明副本,并检查货物包装。

    The carrier shall verify and retain the copy and check the packaging of the goods .

  14. GB190-1990危险货物包装标志

    Labels for packages of dangerous goods

  15. 我同意:收件人有权检查货物包装,及货柜的安全原因。

    I agree that the packaging and contents of the consignment may be examined for security reasons .

  16. 根据买方需求,同时应满足海上运输和陆路运输要求,及国家对出口货物包装的检验要求。

    All goods should be packed with meeting the requirement of buyer , and ocean and inland transportation .

  17. 后来经过一个多月的催促,终于拿到该货物包装测试。

    After hastening in the afterwards for more than one months , finally gets that goods package testing .

  18. 我方合同规定货物包装应为适于海运的包装,你方必须照办。

    Our contract , stipulates that the goods should be packed in seaworthy packing , so you must act accordingly .

  19. 我会的。我还要说明,托运货物包装安全,对吧?

    I 'll do that . I 've got to state the consignment 's safely packed , haven 't I ?

  20. 装船前货物包装不善而发生损失,是发货人的责任,我们新条款除外不赔。

    Loss due to improper packing prior to shipment shall fall within the liability of the shipper and is not covered under our revised clauses .

  21. 没有运输证明或者货物包装不符合规定的,承运人不得承运。

    The carrier shall not accept the goods in absence of a transportation certification or if the packaging is not in conformity with the relevant regulations .

  22. 买方出具的收货证明,证实货物包装完好无损,且买方签章需为银行预留印鉴。

    Proof of receipt issued by the Buyer proving that the goods are packed in a perfect condition and stamped by the Buyer with the bank reserve seal .

  23. 在导致危险货物包装件破损的影响因素中,振动对包装件质量的影响最大,因此,本文重点研究了振动对危险货物包装件造成的影响。

    In the influential factors of causing damage of dangerous cargo package , vibration makes the biggest influence on package quality , therefore , this article focuses on the vibration impacts on the package of dangerous cargo .

  24. 由于我方失误,致使货物包装错误,让你方拿到货物再加工时进程减缓,人工费用增加,我们深感抱歉。

    Cause a goods to pack a mistake since our side slips up , cost increases by , we regret deeply for let you slow down with the course processing time again to the goods , artificial .

  25. 结合多年的危险货物包装试验和研究结果,提出危险货物包装试验条件和方法,以使该项工作更趋合理和完善。

    On the basis of many Years ' tests for packagings of dangerous goods and research results , the paper puts forward test conditions and methods for packagings of dangerous goods so as to make the work more rational and perfect .

  26. 请告诉我货物的包装重量和尺寸?

    Please tell me the cargo the tare and the size ?

  27. 每件货物的包装上都应打上内有CCD的菱形标记和件号。

    Every package shall be marked CCD in diamond and the package number .

  28. GB/T15098-1994危险货物运输包装类别划分原则

    The principle of classification of transport packaging groups of dangerous goods

  29. 换句话说,我们会在海外进行货物的包装工作。

    In other words , we would package the goods offshore .

  30. 影响危险货物运输包装安全的因素与对策

    Effects and countermeasure for the transport of the dangerous goods