
huā kāi huā luò
  • Flowers bloom and fade;Flowers first bud, then bloom and quickly fade
花开花落[huā kāi huā luò]
  1. 花开花落一遍又一遍,但是在哪里春天给我。

    Flowers bloom and fade again and again , but where is the spring for me .

  2. 夜去明来,时代像花开花落。

    Days and nights pass and ages bloom and fade like flowers .

  3. 客去客来日日,花开花落年年。

    Everyday guests come and go , every year flowers bloom and wilt .

  4. 每个人都有花开花落的时候。

    Every person has the time down and up .

  5. 花开花落,有多少温暖的故事在其中上演;

    Blooming flowers , which staged a number of warmth in the story ;

  6. 让我们一起看花开花落。

    Let 's watch the flowers grow .

  7. 花开花落,花落又花开,对于一只蝴蝶来说,时间似乎只意味着这些。

    The flowers bloom again , for a butterfly , time seems to only mean that they would .

  8. 于是,我把自己的根扎在了成果,让自己在这里花开花落。

    Then , I plunge into my root in achievement , let oneself be spent here blossom fall .

  9. 花开花落,星光闪耀,不知何时熄灭。

    The flowers bloom , then fade away , The stars twinkle and shining , then return to the dark .

  10. 所有的花开花落,在我心中,只是一场寂寞的梦,在夏日金黄的阳光中苏醒。

    All the flowers Whispering in my mind , only a lonely dream , golden sun in the summer wake .

  11. 敞的阳台上,看楼前的木槿花开花落,心中便缠绕起浮云旧事般温柔的感恩与怀念。

    On occasion , I leaned on the open balcony of my house , seeing the hibiscuses blossom and fade .

  12. 朝朝暮暮,云卷云舒,岁岁年年,花开花落,我们一同坐着、看着、说着、笑着。

    We sit and watch the clouds gathering and spreading ; we smile and appreciate the blossoming or falling flowers .

  13. 花开花落,万物有时,你为甚麽不肯接受这是自然的定律?

    Flower grows and dies , everything have their time , then why don 't you accept the nature schedule ?

  14. 花开花落已三秋,我在此校学习已三载。

    For three times the flowers in our school have bloomed and fallen , and for three years I have studied here .

  15. 花开花落自家门,庭外无声细雨滴,晚来是客,友为佳,有缘再度两岸美。

    Flowers blossom from their homes , out-of-court silent rain drops , night to be off , for better cross-strait US Marriage depends on fate again .

  16. 花开花落,新的生命重新开始。用这来形容吸烟者戒烟并重新开始新的生活是再恰当不过的了。

    As flowers unfold and life renews , it is hard to imagine a more perfect setting for smokers to turn a new leaf and quit smoking .

  17. 过去写花开花落,花香花飘,大多是看到几株,几棵,或者城市公园和街道两旁栽的各种花草。千山梨花节时看到了山上山下铺满了雪白的梨花。

    In the past to write , flowers floating flowers , mostly to see clumps , trees at , or city parks and a variety of flowers planted along the street .

  18. 诗人以怡然自得的心境观照自然变化,在花开花落的生灭循环中,见证了芙蓉花瞬时的灿烂。

    With peace of mind the poet accepts all changes of nature as they are , and the blossoming and withering of flowers mean nothing sorrowful but the moment of resplendence when the hibiscus blooms .

  19. 从花开到花落。

    From flowering to withers .

  20. 年年花开花又落,我都无法亲眼目睹花开一瞬的灿烂,只能凭着梦中的影子,留下点点痕迹,深藏在心中。

    Flowers bloom in mid and down , I have not witnessed the flowering of a brilliant moment , only the shadow of his dream , leaving little trace , deep in their hearts .

  21. 花期开花的状态或时期但是花开总有花落时。

    A state or time of flowering ; anthesis . but what goes up must eventually come down .

  22. 但是花开总有花落时。花园里现在鲜花盛开。

    But what goes up must eventually come down . The flowers in the garden are now in full bloom .

  23. 花开,然后花落,星光闪耀,不知何时熄灭。不知道她父亲在这张床上花了多少钱,它是老式的。

    The flower opens , then the flower falls , star light shine , do not know when put out . Wonder what her father gave , for it is Old style .

  24. 白色花开,梦里花落。

    White flower blooms , withers in my dream .

  25. 己说,花开是美,花落亦是醉,何必执着于一种结局?

    Oneself are beautiful , said , flower flower also is drunk , why attached to an end ?