
zì yuàn
  • voluntarily;volunteer;of one's own accord;of one's own free will;voluntary of one's own accord
自愿 [zì yuàn]
  • [voluntary of one's own accord] 自己愿意而没有强迫地去做的

  • 自愿的行动

  • 自愿的捐助

自愿[zì yuàn]
  1. 这座桥是由自愿参加的人们建成的。

    The bridge was built by volunteer people .

  2. 不幸的是,这些项目可以将人们的参与意愿从一个内部因素(例如,"我自愿是因为对我很重要")转变为一个外部因素(例如,"我自愿是因为我必须这样做")。

    Unfortunately , these programs can shift people 's wish of participation from an internal factor ( e.g. , " I volunteer because it 's important to me " ) to an external factor ( e.g. , " I volunteer because I 'm required to do so " ) .

  3. 这家慈善机构工作所需资金是人们自愿捐赠的。

    The work of the charity is funded by voluntary donations .

  4. 这个慈善团体的工作人员完全是自愿性质的。

    The charity is run on a purely voluntary basis .

  5. 全体员工已经同意自愿冻结工资。

    The staff have agreed to a voluntary wage freeze .

  6. 他们据理力争让自愿安乐死合法化。

    They argued in favour of legalizing voluntary euthanasia .

  7. 有自愿帮助清扫的人吗?

    Are there any volunteers to help clear up ?

  8. 他自愿服务充当司机。

    He volunteered his services as a driver .

  9. 她是自愿离开的。

    She left of her own free will .

  10. 几位职员自愿提前退休。

    Several staff members volunteered for early retirement .

  11. 听这门课纯粹是自愿的。

    Attendance on the course is purely voluntary .

  12. 他们完全是自愿离开的。

    They left entirely of their own volition .

  13. 我们全靠自愿捐赠。

    We rely entirely on voluntary contribution .

  14. 他选择了自愿裁汰。

    He took voluntary redundancy .

  15. 这项工作是自愿的,所以时间上很灵活。

    Because the work was voluntary it was flexible , time-wise .

  16. 再要呆在一起就好像自愿被活活剥皮一样。

    To remain together was like volunteering to be flayed alive .

  17. 4名在意大利大使馆寻求避难的人已经自愿离开了。

    Four people who sought refuge in the Italian embassy have left voluntarily

  18. 有时一项职责明确的工作会因一些自愿承担的任务而乱作一团。

    Sometimes a well-defined job becomes cluttered with self-imposed tasks .

  19. 两名男性之间发生的双方自愿的性接触可能会构成犯罪。

    Consensual sexual contact between two males can be a criminal activity .

  20. 定于下个月开始实施的方案是自愿性质的。

    The scheme , due to begin next month , will be voluntary .

  21. 在新闻部员工中已经在转发一封电子邮件,呼吁大家自愿裁汰。

    An e-mail is already circulating amongst news staff calling for voluntary redundancies .

  22. 贝萨妮会像她承诺的那样自愿回来吗?

    Would Bethany return of her own free will , as she had promised ?

  23. 在一年半的时间里,自愿实行的限薪措施奏效了。

    For a year and a half , wage restraint on a voluntary basis worked

  24. 革命者放下了武器,其领导人也自愿流亡他国了。

    The revolutionaries laid down their arms and its leaders went into voluntary exile .

  25. 他不是因为这次战争才被征召入伍的,他是自愿加入海军的。

    He wasn 't drafted for the war ; he volunteered for the Navy .

  26. 他辞去法国总理职务并非出于自愿。

    He did not quit as France 's prime minister of his own accord .

  27. 报名的教师完全出于自愿而且费用自理。

    Teachers who signed up did so out of personal choice and at their own expense .

  28. 很多大学认为如果学生上课是出于自愿而不是被迫,那么他们学到的东西会更多。

    Many universities argued that students learned more when they were in classes out of choice rather than compulsion

  29. 他放弃了体育运动,不是因为被迫而是出于自愿。

    He was through with sports , not because he had to be but because he wanted it that way

  30. 我们必须坚持自愿参加的原则。

    We must adhere to the principle of voluntary participation .