
  • 网络Rodin;Judith Rodin;roding;Roedean
  1. 罗丁太太的丈夫数年前抛弃了她。

    Mrs Roding 's husband deserted her years ago

  2. 洛克菲勒基金会(RockefellerFoundation)的总裁朱迪思•罗丁(JudithRodin)表示:放在建筑物的中间。

    In the middle of the building , says Judith Rodin , president of the Rockefeller Foundation .

  3. 我将去一趟罗丁家,打听希金斯夫人愿不愿意为你当清洁工。

    I 'm calling round at the Rodings to ask if Mrs Higgins will char for you .

  4. 在飓风“桑迪”过后,纽约州州长安德鲁•库默(AndrewCuomo)邀请罗丁担任一家委员会的联合主席,来帮助纽约市应对未来的灾难。

    After Sandy , Andrew Cuomo , New York 's governor , asked her to co-chair a commission to help prepare the city for future shocks .

  5. 为网络杂志《菩提树下的议院》(BodhiCommons)撰稿的阿伦•阿修罗•纳罗丁(ArunArushiNarodin)报道称,印度90%的城镇女性都有被性骚扰的经历。

    Arun Arushi Narodin , who writes for the online magazine Bodhi Commons , reports that 90 % of urban women in India experience harassment .

  6. 十年来一直担任洛克菲勒基金会总裁的罗丁撰写了一本名为《应变力的红利》(TheResilienceDividend)的书,讲述公司和城市如何应对被其称为“令人遗憾的新常态”的威胁。

    Ms Rodin , the foundation 's head for 10 years , has written a book , The Resilience Dividend , on how companies and cities can deal with the threats that she calls " regrettably , the new normal . "

  7. 罗丁表示,Lululemon发现很难对此作出反应,因为它没有对原料供应中断做好准备。

    Lululemon found it hard to react , Ms Rodin says , because it had not prepared for disruptions in delivery of its materials .

  8. 罗丁表示:它们发现,问题出在上游。

    They found that the problem was way upstream .

  9. 罗丁表示,树立了较好榜样的城市是波士顿。

    The city that set a better example was Boston , says Ms Rodin .

  10. 罗丁说,照洛克菲勒以往的老办法,这不可能发生。

    This could not have happened under the old programmatic approach , says Ms Rodin .

  11. 罗丁打个手势,要他别讲话。

    Rodin silenced him with a gesture .

  12. 罗丁的调查结束了。

    Rodin 's search was over .

  13. 罗丁、莫奈、勃拉姆斯、陀斯妥也夫斯基、托尔斯泰、埃利奥特、契诃夫和马克吐翁的艺术创作。

    and artworks by Rodin , Monet , Brahms , Dostoevsky , Tolstoy , Eliot , Chekhov and Twain .

  14. 罗丁表示,该市建造了大量的冗余能源,他们对通讯技术、新的交通设施以及诸如此类的东西进行了投资。

    The city , Ms Rodin says , had built a lot of redundant energy , they had invested in communications technology , new transit and the like .

  15. 罗丁接手的是不再一流也不再是最大的基金会&早年该基金会的对外援助比美国都要多。

    Ms Rodin inherited a foundation that was no longer the best nor the biggest & in its early years it gave more foreign aid than the American government .

  16. 罗丁表示,该市“建造了大量的冗余能源,他们对通讯技术、新的交通设施以及诸如此类的东西进行了投资”。

    The city , Ms Rodin says , " had built a lot of redundant energy , they had invested in communications technology , new transit and the like . "

  17. 罗丁当然是不愿意的。在加入洛克菲勒基金会前,罗丁在美国高等教育界曾有过一段的高层任职经历,一度全球薪酬最高的大学校长。

    Certainly not Ms Rodin , who joined Rockefeller after a successful career at the top of American higher education & one that briefly established her as the world 's highest-paid university president .