
  • 网络salford;University of Salford;Salford University
  1. 博尔顿和索尔福德之间有一班公共汽车往返。

    A bus service operates between Bolton and Salford .

  2. 科学家们给位于英格兰北部索尔福德一个经济贫困地区的38个家庭提供了一棵树、一个灌木和其它一些开花植物。

    Scientists gave 38 households in an economically deprived part of Salford in the north of England a tree , a shrub1 , and some other flowering plants .

  3. 伯明翰、利物浦和索尔福德的商店昨日提前关门,警方竭力遏制通过手机和Twitter策动的零星暴力行为。

    Shops shut early in Birmingham , Liverpool and Salford as police struggled to contain sporadic bursts of violence co-ordinated by mobile phones and Twitter .

  4. 大曼彻斯特郡索尔福德市的Lemon小姐,很快就忘了她的一时兴起之举,后来她嫁为人妇,也有了自己的孩子。

    Miss Lemon , of Salford , Greater Manchester , soon forgot about her act of whimsy , eventually marrying and having a child herself .

  5. 随着与像ofo这样的对手争夺海外市场的竞争日益激烈,中国共享单车的主要企业摩拜于上周二表示,公司将于本月底在英国曼彻斯特和索尔福德推出共享单车服务。

    Chinese bike-sharing major Mobike said last Tuesday that it will launch services in the United Kingdom in Manchester and Salford at the end of this month as it ramps up efforts to compete with rivals such as ofo in overseas markets .

  6. 索尔福德正是培养他们所需要的那类毕业生的典型学府。

    Salford was the type of institution turning out the type of graduate they wanted .

  7. 索尔福德市街景写实,1959

    Detail from Salford Street Scene , 1959

  8. 索尔福德大学的学生村中的皮尔公园宿舍区将于下周迎来首批入住的学生。

    SalfordUniversitywill next week be welcoming their first tenants to the brand new Peel Park Quarter in their student village .

  9. 曼联经理正在转会市场上寻找一个防守中场来搭档伤愈复出的索尔福德人。

    The United manager is searching for a defensive midfielder in the transfer market to play alongside the fit-again salfordian .

  10. 来自大曼彻斯特区索尔福德的卖方杰拉德·格雷表示,最后成交价远远超出了他的预期。

    The seller , Gerald Gray , from Salford in Greater Manchester , said the winning bid far exceeded his expectations .

  11. 曼彻斯特和索尔福德是学生宿舍向豪华宿舍转变的中心地,两市都有大量的豪华学生宿舍区兴起。

    Manchesterand Salford have been at the heart of this transformation with blocks of luxury student apartments being thrown up across both cities .

  12. 索尔福德皇家医院的减肥医生巴兹尔·安蒙里称,便秘问题以及暴饮暴食都会导致肠胃胀气。

    Obesity surgeon Professor Basil Ammori , of the Salford Royal Hospital , says constipation and eating too much in one go can also create this effect .

  13. 索尔福德大学护理专业的教授马丁·约翰逊说,像帕梅拉这样的护士的工作改变了病人护理的面貌。

    Martin Johnson , a professor of nursing at the University of Salford , said that the work of ( 56 ) like Pamela had changed the face of patient care .

  14. 他花了一年的时间来研究这一想法,甚至说服了索尔福德大学的假肢专家格林·希思博士来为他制造了一组山羊腿假肢。

    He spent a year researching the idea , and even persuaded an expert in prostheses , Dr Glyn Heath at Salford University , to build him a set of goat legs .

  15. 摩拜单车的创始人胡玮炜表示,“我们非常高兴看到曼彻斯特和索尔福德成为我们的第一批欧洲合作伙伴。它们一直是欧洲文化、创新和技术领域的领导者。”

    Weiwei Hu , founder of Mobike , said : " We 're very excited to make Manchester and Salford Mobike 's first European partners . They have long been a European leader in culture , innovation and technology . "