
  • Waiting for the dawn;【电影】Notte prima degli esami
  1. 我必须在古老的卫城等待黎明。

    I must await dawn in this ancient acropolis .

  2. 在你的怀里等待黎明到来

    In your arms as the dawn is breaking

  3. 生命,总是会有黑暗的年代,静静的摸索,默默的等待黎明的到来;

    Life , Always have black time , search for quietly , wait for dawn silently ;

  4. 我将等待黎明,醒来看见您的城市沐浴在晨光中。

    I shall wait for the morning and wake up to see thy city in the light .

  5. 她就那样呆呆地躺着,等待着黎明到来后起床。

    She lay in a state of suspended animation , waiting for dawnlight , when she would rise

  6. 轻轻地等待着黎明来到。

    Waiting to fade at the bright coming morn .

  7. 等待直到黎明,那时,夜晚是过去了,但白天还没开始,她用鱼网包裹著她自己,把一条腿搁在山羊背上,另一条腿踏在地上。

    Hannah waited until dawn , then , when night was past but day not yet begun , she wrapped herself in fish netting , threw one leg over a goat 's back and the other she kept on the ground .