
jiào cáng
  • cellaring;depot;store things in a cellar
窖藏 [jiào cáng]
  • [store things in a cellar] 在窖里储藏

  • 保存鲜薯的最好办法是窖藏

窖藏[jiào cáng]
  1. 这款酒建议立即饮用或是短时间窖藏厚饮用。

    This wine is ideal for immediate consumption or short term cellaring .

  2. 此酒可保存十年,窖藏2-3年后将达到最佳的效果。

    This wine will hold for ten years but will peak in2-3 years of cellaring .

  3. Lager:如果你下班后和荷兰的同事一起喝酒时索要lager(窖藏啤酒),他们可能会蒙了。

    Lager : It might confuse your Dutch colleagues if you were to ask for a lager when having a few drinks with them after work .

  4. 它被评为最佳的葡萄酒整体窖藏,位列获得银奖的阿联酋航空(Emirates)及共享铜奖的以色列航空(El-Al)与国泰航空(CathayPacific)之上。

    The airline was judged to have the best overall wine cellar , above Emirates , which won silver , and El-Al and Cathay Pacific , which shared bronze .

  5. 这让我想到了澳大利亚及其旗舰航空公司&澳洲航空(Qantas)。该公司连续第二年在一年一度的空中窖藏奖(CellarsintheSky)评选中摘得了一系列奖项。

    Which brings me to Australia and its flagship carrier , Qantas , which has , for the second year running , picked up a string of prizes in the annual ' Cellars in the Sky ' awards .

  6. 父亲于战前窖藏了几瓶好酒。

    Father laid down a few good bottles before the war .

  7. 这来自我们的窖藏,我能尝出它的味道。

    It 's from our own cellar . I recognize the taste .

  8. 他窖藏了不少上等红葡萄酒。

    He has put down a good supply of port .

  9. 它拥有庞大的财产,同时往往窖藏巨额的财宝。

    It owned great properties and often hoarded huge treasures .

  10. 青州龙兴寺窖藏所出佛像的几个问题&青州城与龙兴寺之三

    Some Problems Concerning the Buddhist Statues Unearthed from the Longxing Temple at Qingzhou

  11. 大白菜窖藏中一些腐烂细菌的研究

    Some bacteria causing decay of Chinese cabbage in storage

  12. 钓鱼台国宾酒选用陈年窖藏酒调酿,为宴请和馈赠宾客之佳品。

    ' Diaoyutai Ambassador'is an exquisite choice for the distinguish banquet and gift .

  13. 以国外的葡萄酒为例,葡萄酒窖藏时间越长就越有价值。

    In case of foreign wine , wine cellars longer the more valuable .

  14. 不过,第帕顿拒绝透露公司的传世窖藏当中还有多少瓶路易十三。

    He declined to reveal how many bottles remain in the heritage cellars .

  15. 这家餐馆以它的窖藏酒闻名。

    The restaurant is well-know for its cellar .

  16. 再论郑州商代青铜器窖藏坑的性质与年代

    Restudy of the Character and Date of the Shang Hoards of Bronzes in Zhengzhou

  17. 我是应该把红葡萄酒窖藏起来呢,还是现在就喝呢?

    Should I lay this claret down , or can I drink it now ?

  18. 吴国王室窖藏玉器

    Royal Hoarded Jade Ware of Wu Kingdom

  19. 同窖藏出土的一件道教老子造像,反映了当时佛、道两教融合发展的事实。

    It reflects the two differing beliefs of Buddhism and Taoism are syncretized in that time .

  20. 如喝了窖藏多年的老酒,让我略带醉意。

    Such as a cache to drink wine for many years , let me slightly tipsy .

  21. 青州龙兴寺佛教造像窖藏清理简报

    Clearing-up of a Storage Pit of Buddhist Icons in the Longxing Temple at Qingzhou , Shandong

  22. 他们有窖藏皮诺

    They have a reserve pinot .

  23. 该窖藏的发现,为研究辽代历史文化提供了重要资料。

    This discovery provides new information for the study of history and culture of the Liao Dynasty .

  24. 窖藏一些年后会有甜梅和巧克力味。

    Only after a few years , one can find the sweet taste of prunes and chocolate .

  25. 牛津的地下窖藏着数千瓶酒,将酒藏入酒窖的是那些有着相关爱好的导师们。

    Underneath Oxford are thousands of bottles of wine , laid down by committees of interested dons .

  26. 河南安阳孟村魏晋时期古钱窖藏探析

    A Study of the Ancient Coin Hoard of the Wei-Jin Period From Mengcun Village , Anyang , Henan

  27. 钓鱼台总统酒特选窖藏老酒配酿,为尊贵馈赠和珍藏极品。

    " Diaoyutai President ", prepared with cellar-stored spirit , makes a premium gift or a collection item .

  28. 从前,有个富翁,不无理由地以他的酒窖和窖藏美酒自豪。

    Once there lived a rich man who was justly proud of his cellar and the wine therein .

  29. 青州龙兴寺窖藏所出佛像的几个问题。

    Several questions related to the Buddhist statues unearthed from the hoard at the Longxing Temple in qingzhou .

  30. 金融窖藏假说与我国股票价格波动关系的实证研究

    The Empirical Study of the Relationship between " Financial Hoarding Hypothesis " and the Stock Price Volatility in China
