
  • do the actual writing
秉笔 [bǐng bǐ]
  • [do the actual writing] 执笔

  1. 这篇文章的视角独特,秉笔直抒,入木三分,一气呵成。

    The view point of this article is unique , and its description is direct and penetrating at one time .

  2. 作品有几分滑稽(比如不愿帮妻子收拾房间、试图溜之大吉的主人公),但也是对身份的坚持:既有流离海外的犹太知识分子这一身份,也有秉笔耕耘的作家这一身份。

    It is partly comic the hero trying to slip away from helping his wife arrange the house but it is also an assertion of identity , both as an intellectual of the Jewish diaspora , and as a writer .
