
  • 网络Lens;camera lens
  1. 基于CCD的航空相机镜头焦距自动测量系统

    Auto-measuring system of aerial camera lens basing linear CCD sensor

  2. 利用线阵CCD实现航空相机镜头焦距的自动测量

    Auto - measuring System of Aero - camera Lens Focus Using Linear CCD

  3. 基于线阵CCD的航空相机镜头焦面的自动定位系统

    Auto-location system of aerial camera focus surface applying linear CCD

  4. 提出了一种以线阵CCD固态传感器取代读数显微镜的航空相机镜头焦距测量系统。

    An auto measuring system of aerial camera lens is presented , which substitutes linear array CCD sensor for reading microscope to measure the focus of aerial camera lens .

  5. 我们甚至可以提出这样一种论点,即正是媒体的审视将Diana王妃置于死地,随着她的汽车去竭力逃脱巴黎街头的记者们那侵犯隐私的相机镜头。

    It could even be argued that media scrutiny killed Princess Diana as her car sped away from the privacy-invading cameras of reporters in Paris .

  6. 它采用了标准的CS接口镜头系统,只要你有转接器,就可以安装大多数符合接口标准的相机镜头以及望远镜,(当然,如果你没有,TinyMOS也提供了转接器附件。)

    It uses a standard CS-mount lens system to allow most camera lenses or telescopes to be connected , provided you have the right adaptor ( if you don 't , TinyMOS has them available as add-ons ) .

  7. 由SharadHaksar设计的台历,看起来就像真的相机镜头。

    Desktop calendar by Sharad Haksar looks like a real camera lens .

  8. 利用傅里叶变换求出FPD图像的纹理周期,以此作为反馈进一步调节相机镜头并自动对焦直到纹理周期满足指定的值。

    Calculated the texture cycle of the FPD image with Fourier transform as feedback to further adjust the camera lens and auto focus to meet the specified value of texture cycle . 3 .

  9. 此前央视曾批评苹果的iPhone定位功能对中国的国家安全构成威胁,而尼康未能去除其D600相机镜头的斑点。

    Previously , CCTV had criticised Apple for threatening Chinese national security with its iPhone location features ; and Nikon for failing to remove spots from the lens of its D600 camera .

  10. 用图像处理技术对航空相机镜头分辨力的测量

    Measurement of Resolution of Aerial Camera Lens by Image Processing Technology

  11. 他们在捕猎,不是用枪,而是用相机镜头捕获美妙瞬间。

    They are hunting , not with guns but with cameras .

  12. 镜头光晕模拟相机镜头内的折射光线的效果。

    Lens Flares simulate the effect of lights refracting inside camera lens .

  13. 标准图形法求解相机镜头非线性畸变的研究

    Research on Solving Nonlinear Distortion of Camera Lens by Standard Graphic Method

  14. 相机镜头距离对悬垂性测定的影响

    Study on the relation between drape of fabric and distance of camera lens

  15. 你看着自己在相机镜头里慢慢死去。

    You see yourself in a camera lens dying .

  16. 如何使相机镜头更薄、更小成为减小相机体积的首要任务。

    How to make camera lens thinner and smaller is the primary task .

  17. 相机镜头焦距自动测量系统的设计及精度分析

    Design and Accuracy Analysis of Camera Lens Measuring System

  18. 投影机镜头、数码相机镜头的抛光。

    Polish projector lens and digital camera lens .

  19. 阿米莉亚:还有手持相机镜头很不稳定,我觉得看了后会很恶心。

    Amelia : And the handheld camera footage is so shaky that I feel ill watching it .

  20. 相机镜头直径焦距比。

    The ratio of the focal length to the diameter of a ( camera ) lens system .

  21. 他提出,举行了潘那维申或以上的相机镜头,他特别括号。

    He had made special brackets that held his still camera on or over the Panavision cameras .

  22. 我的同事们没有感到不安,所以我瞄准了相机镜头的拍摄点。

    None of my colleagues looked alarmed , so I trained my viewfinder on the release point .

  23. 摄相机镜头记录了年轻的竞选志愿者半死不活地躺在沙发上,或者在公园里游荡。

    The camera showed pitiful young campaign volunteers lying comatose on a couch or wandering aimlessly through a park .

  24. 软管内置相机镜头内,配备有凑型的取景器或三英寸的液晶显示屏。

    Camera lens inside a flexible tube comes with either a compact viewfinder or a three-inch LCD display module .

  25. 拍照时,相机镜头应该与所拍摄页面保持绝对的平行。

    When you take the picture , the camera lens must be EXACTLY parallel to the page being photographed .

  26. 在完全黑暗并保持相机镜头打开的时候,我始终在同一高度放下这些陶土塑像。

    I drop the figurine from the same height in complete darkness while the lens of the camera is open .

  27. 自制产镜应用于第二产程的效果观察后期模拟制作相机镜头背景模糊效果

    A Home-made Mirror Used at the Second Stage of Labor Simulated the Fuzzy Background of Camera Lens by Photoshop CS

  28. D'Orazio捕捉到模特克里斯蒂•特林顿赤裸着身体蜷在床上的瞬间-拍摄的时候,她的眼睛紧紧地盯着相机镜头。

    D'Orazio captures model Christy Turlington writhing on a bed naked - and staring at the camera - during one shoot

  29. 稀土金属共有17种,也被用于制造激光、磁铁、相机镜头、电脑存储芯片,还有其他各种用途。

    The metals , 17 in all , are also used to make lasers , magnets , camera lenses , computer memory chips and more .

  30. 虽然相机镜头已经脱落,但他发现其中的快闪存储卡仍然保存完好。

    The lens had been sheared off but when he opened the chamber that held the flash card he discovered it was in pristine condition .