
  • 网络Direct purchasing;direct purchase;outright purchase;OTC
  1. 我们建议为了实现目标应该提供顾客设备的租用而不是直接购买。

    The strategy we would advice to achieve the objective is to offer customers leasing facilities instead of outright purchase .

  2. 另一方面,融资租赁只需支付少量的首付款就可以获得农机具的使用权,相比较直接购买而言降低了固定资本投资的门槛。

    On the other hand , the right to use the agricultural machine can be gained by paying a small down payment , which is much easier than direct purchasing .

  3. 你这是直接购买,而不是通过代理人。

    You are buying direct , rather than through an agent .

  4. 但代表生产瓶装水公司的机构称,很多人还是希望能方便地直接购买冷却的或起泡的瓶装水。

    But the body that represents bottled water companies says lots of us still want the convenience of buying it chilled or fizzy .

  5. 此外,艺电还提供y一个称为“Origin”的数字游戏下载服务平台,使消费者能够在互联网上直接购买、下载各款游戏。

    It also offers a digital-game delivery service , called origin , that allows consumers to buy titles directly over the web .

  6. 此前美联储(Fed)宣布,将转向激进的宽松货币政策,通过直接购买金融资产,增加经济中的流动性。

    The Federal Reserve announced last week that it would switch to aggressive monetary easing , a policy to increase the liquidity in the economy by purchasing financial assets outright .

  7. 胡佛表示,他希望ProductHunt到最后能够实现站内推荐产品的交易环节,让人们能在站内直接购买他们在这里找到的数码产品。

    Eventually , Hoover says he 'd like to see Product Hunt own the transaction part of its recommendations , allowing people to directly buy the digital products they find on the site .

  8. 方法:1、直接购买氨基改性前的介孔硅材料SBA-15,观测其形态、红外光谱图像、吸附-脱附能力,用于载药研究。

    Purchased mesoporous silicon material SBA-15 , observed its morphology , IR images , adsorption-desorption capacity for drug research . 2 .

  9. Firefly识别出一样物品后,会给你提供一个在亚马逊上直接购买的选项。

    After Firefly identifies an item , it presents you with the option to purchase it directly from Amazon .

  10. 小投资者直接购买非机构rmbs比较困难,成本也高。

    It is difficult and expensive for small investors to buy RMBs directly .

  11. MotoX纯净版无锁无合约,意味着你不需要从运营商那里直接购买MotoX。

    The Moto X Pure Edition will only be offered unlocked and without a contract , meaning you won 't be able to buy a subsidized Moto X directly from your carrier .

  12. 莫斯科和基辅方面达成一致,对天然气进行直接购买,终止有争议的中介公司。Tymoshenko说,中介公司造成了能源贸易中的腐败问题。

    Moscow and Kyiv also agreed to direct purchase of gas , eliminating controversial intermediary companies , which Ms. Tymoshenko said were a source of corruption in the energy trade .

  13. 就信用卡支持证券和汽车贷款支持证券交易而言,我们预计有50%可能是由投资者直接购买的,没有动用美联储的贷款,BoydWatterson资产管理公司的全球策略师唐罗斯(DonRoss)说。

    For credit-card and auto-loan deals , we expect 50 per cent could be bought directly by investors , without resorting to Fed loans , said Don Ross , global strategist at Boyd Watterson Asset Management , which buys securities with Fed funds .

  14. 2010年,LVMH披露其通过股权互换而非直接购买股票的方式积累了爱马仕17%的股份(股权互换可以使LVMH以隐蔽的方式积累股权),此消息一出,爱马仕及其控股家族非常震惊。

    In 2010 , LVMH shocked Herm è s , and its controlling family , when it disclosed it had built up a 17 % in its smaller rival by means of equity swaps rather than buying shares outright , allowing LVMH to do so in stealth mode .

  15. 龙虾供应公司Homarus总裁及创始人乔丹・埃尔金(JordanElkin)说,最贵的餐厅“不会在龙虾降价的时候下调菜品价格”。该公司从缅因渔民手中直接购买活龙虾,为包括GramercyTavern在内的约300家高档纽约餐厅供货。

    The priciest restaurants ' do not lower [ menu prices ] when lobster gets cheaper , ' says Jordan Elkin , president and founder of Homarus , which buys live lobster directly from Maine fishermen and sells to about 300 high-end restaurants in New York , including Gramercy Tavern .

  16. 这件商品有竞标价及直接购买价。

    This item has a bid price and a buy-it-now price .

  17. 从厂家直接购买商品的价格。

    Price charged for goods picked up at the factory .

  18. 它也将直接购买企业的按揭担保证券。

    And it will buy their mortgage-backed securities directly itself .

  19. 中国越来越多的从种植者那里直接购买坚果,这加剧了坚果价格的上涨。

    The rise of direct Chinese buying from growers has exacerbated price rises .

  20. 本规定既适用于直接购买的内容,也适用于订阅服务。

    This applies to both purchased content and subscriptions .

  21. 今天我们不再直接购买电机了。

    We do not buy electric motors any more .

  22. 这些药片无需处方可直接购买。

    These tablets are available over the counter .

  23. 注:这只针对试用产品,与直接购买链接无关。

    Note : this relates to trial product only , not direct buy links .

  24. 这一结果将传递到消费者直接购买的制成品出口中。

    That will feed in to exports of finished goods bought directly by consumers .

  25. 这意味着英国投资者直接购买中国股票并不现实。

    This means that buying Chinese shares directly is not a realistic option for UK-based investors .

  26. 模型中,每一个分销商既可以从供应商那里直接购买产品,也可以购买期权。

    Each retailer can either buy product directly from the supplier , or purchase options on product .

  27. 我猜想中国以后可能会从“美国的”防御系统承包商那里,直接购买隐形机。

    Stealth is1980 's technology ­ . The Chinese could have probably picked it up on the internet .

  28. 要创建实际资本,美联储必须以高于市场的价格直接购买价值受损的担保品。

    To create real capital it would need to make outright purchases of impaired collateral at above-market prices .

  29. 美联储已开始直接购买商业票据以支持企业的借贷。

    The US Federal Reserve has started to directly purchase commercial paper ( CP ) to support corporate borrowing .

  30. 不久市民便可直接购买到来自世界名牌服装辅料产地的名品服饰。

    Soon you will be able to buy directly from the origin of the world famous brand clothing apparel accessories .