
  • 网络White Australia;white australia policy;white australian policy
  1. 从白澳政策到多元文化教育&试探澳大利亚多元文化教育体制形成的艰难历程

    From " White Australia Policy " to Multicultural Education in Australia

  2. 摘要澳大利亚联邦自建立以来,一直对亚洲推行以种族歧视为核心的“白澳政策”。

    Since its establishment , the Commonwealth of Australia had been practicing the " white Australia policy " towards Asian immigrants whose kernel was racial discrimination .

  3. 澳大利亚白澳政策的历史演变

    A historical change of the white policy in Australia

  4. 澳大利亚白澳政策的形成及影响

    The Formation of White Australian Policy and Its Influence

  5. 这么老掉牙的东西还是和白澳政策一起塞到床底下去吧。

    That hoary old chestnut should 've been put to bed with the white australia policy .

  6. 19世纪后期白澳政策的推行,中医在澳洲受到压制。

    As the Policy of White Australia was carried out in late 19th century , TCM was also oppressed there .

  7. 所谓白澳政策是澳大利亚历史上一项著名的关于限制移民的政策。

    " White Australian Policy " is a significant policy in Australian history , which is about the restriction of immigrants .

  8. 日俄战争后,澳大利亚为了避免刺激日本,在不妨害白澳政策的基础上放松了对日本人入澳的限制。

    In order to avoid provocation to Japan , Australia loosened the restrictions on Japanese entry on condition that it would not harm white Australia .

  9. 古德曼指出,“新联邦的第一条法例是白澳政策”,严厉禁止亚洲移民。

    " The first piece of legislation by the new Federation was the White Australia policy , " which severely restricted Asian immigration , Prof Goodman says .

  10. 了解“白澳政策”,对发展中澳关系有着极其重要的意义。

    Consequently , the writer of this paper believes it is extremely significant to understand the history of the white policy , for the sake of the Sino-Australian relationship .

  11. 到了19世纪80年代,政治上提出中国式入侵的恐惧论,触发了反亚洲移民政策,也就是白澳政策。这一政策直到20世纪才被取消。

    By the 1880s , political fears of a Chinese invasion sparked anti-Asian immigration laws known as the White Australia policy , which lasted well into the 20th century .

  12. 斯科特对在白澳政策的影响下澳大利亚白人社会试图通过优生学的方法消灭土著民族的历史进行深刻批判。

    It also reveals the history of Australian white society which had tried to destroy the Indigenous people by the method of eugenics underthe influence of the White Australia Policy .

  13. 到了19世纪80年代,政治上提出“中国式入侵”的恐惧论,触发了反亚洲移民政策,也就是白澳政策。这一政策直到20世纪才被取消。

    By the 1880s , political fears of a " Chinese invasion " sparked anti-Asian immigration laws known as the White Australia policy , which lasted well into the 20th century .

  14. 同时还注意从澳大利亚白澳政策的失败来窥视澳大利亚多元文化形成的必然性,从民族中心论的衰落来关注多元文化主义产生的民族性与世界性。

    At the same time it examines the inevitability of Australian multiculturalism from the failure of Australian " White Australians " policy and also probes into the issue of the nationalism and cosmopolitism .

  15. 由于历史、政治、社会和文化背景等方面的原因,在100多年来澳大利亚对华移民政策史上,以种族歧视为核心的白澳政策长期占据主导地位。

    Due to historical , political , social and cultural reasons , the White Austria Policy , the essence of which is racial prejudice , has dominated Australia 's policies towards Chinese immigrants .

  16. 自从20世纪70年代澳大利亚政府废除了“白澳政策”,实行多元文化教育政策以来,各民族的团结得到了加强,全国教育事业得到了迅速发展。

    Since Australian government discarded the " White Australia Policy " and began to implement the policies of multicultural education in the 1970 's , the unity of whole nation has been strengthened and the national education has developed quickly .