
móu qǔ bào lì
  • make exorbitant profits;profiteer;reap fabulous profits;seek exorbitant profits
牟取暴利[móu qǔ bào lì]
  1. 这表明你并不想借此牟取暴利&你真诚地关心好友的核心利益。

    This demonstrates that you 're not trying to profiteer here & you genuinely have your buddy 's best interest at heart .

  2. 这表明你并不想借此牟取暴利——你真诚地关心好友的核心利益。

    This demonstrates that you 're not trying to profiteer here -- you genuinely have your buddy 's best interest at heart .

  3. 众议院金融服务委员会主席巴尼弗兰克(barneyfrank)表示,潜在的牟取暴利行为,可能是为了稳定金融体系而必须付出的代价之一。

    Barney Frank , chairman of the House Financial Services Committee , said the potential profiteering may be part of the price for stabilising the financial system .

  4. 他们在高档黄金饰品中掺假以牟取暴利。

    They adulterated the high-quality gold ornaments to reap fabulous profits .

  5. 投机商供应短缺时牟取暴利者。

    One who makes excessive profits on goods in short supply .

  6. 这家药物公司被指控从爱滋病危机中牟取暴利。

    The pharmaceutical company has been charged with profiteering from the AIDS crisis .

  7. 由于它的高风险性和高盈亏性,任何不规范的交易行为都可能带来巨额的赢利,这种极大的刺激性,诱使一些不法分子不惜铤而走险,违规操作,牟取暴利,严重扰乱了市场秩序。

    Any nonstandard dealing maybe attains enormous profits because of high risk and proceeds .

  8. 人民将阻止你们牟取暴利的诡计,人民必胜。

    The people will stop your profiteering schemes , and the people will win .

  9. 为了防止牟取暴利而实行了租金管制。

    Rent controls were introduced to prevent profiteering .

  10. 诈骗分子则通常利用这些因素,转手倒卖以牟取暴利。

    Swindlers often take advantage of these factors and resell the goods to make profits .

  11. 来自为了牟取暴利不惜危害他人的贩运分子和海盗;

    from traffickers and pirates who pursue their own profits at the expense of others ;

  12. 皇家学会说,它欢迎那些加强研究人员之间以及研究人员和公众之间的知识交流的新技术,同时认为,一些科学文献出版商“看起来在牟取暴利”。

    It also acknowledges that some scientific publishers " appear to be making excessive profits " .

  13. 据悉,在某些加油站,燃油价格已超出国家规定水平,伺机牟取暴利。

    The press says some petrol stations have raised prices beyond state-mandated limits to take advantage of frenzied demand .

  14. 牟取暴利供应短缺时牟取暴利他有一种文静、磊落的社交仪态。

    To make excessive profits on goods in short supply . He had a quiet , tidy social manner .

  15. 这一时期云南省内私盐更是盛行,究其成因当与盐商的牟取暴利有着重要的内在联系。

    The illegal salt dealings were very rampant during this time because salt merchants were pursuing illegal profits fiercely .

  16. 多数人都想从中牟取暴利,而不是纯粹想欣赏它,所以真正的需求被夸大了。

    The real demand for the * was exaggerated by people who were buying them for speculation , not appreciation .

  17. 同时,省政府应该尽一切努力取缔那些以非法收取高速公路费来牟取暴利的团体。

    Meanwhile , provincial governments should make every effort to clamp down on groups making huge profits from illegally charging highway fees .

  18. 有些人铤而走险千方百计牟取暴利,往往皆以堕落、腐败、犯罪而告终。

    Some people try desperately to make more money , and more often than not they end up degraded , corrupt and criminal .

  19. 日前,塞普勒斯警方一举破获了一个地下卖婚团夥,该犯罪集团将当地女性卖给需要获得该国居住权的外国人,以从中牟取暴利。

    Cypriot police said on Thursday they had busted a crime ring organising marriages of convenience between local women and foreigners seeking residency permits .

  20. 投机:旨在通过买卖股票、币或其他资产牟取暴利的一种高风险投资策略。

    Speculation : A high-risk investment strategy aimed at making quick , substantial gains from the buying or selling of stocks , currencies or other assets .

  21. 由于投入的自有资金少,开发商回笼资金的压力小,他们有足够的耐心哄抬房价牟取暴利。

    Due to low capital input , the funding pressure for developer is small , they have enough patience to drive up prices to get extra income .

  22. 然而,网民回击称这些都是景区牟取暴利的借口,游客抱怨称,一些景点的价格比世界闻名的卢浮宫博物馆还要高。

    However , Chinese Internet users said these were excuses for profiteering , complaining that the prices of some attractions are higher than that of the world-renowned Louvre Museum .

  23. 政府对汽车制造商展开调查的背后伴随着某些担忧,比如担心外国汽车制造商对消费者收费过高并且控制汽车配件的供应,以达到控制中国市场和牟取暴利的目的。

    Officials are investigating automakers amid concerns that they are overcharging customers and controlling the supply of auto parts in order to dominate the Chinese market and earn exorbitant profits .

  24. 一些不法分子无视国家法律、法规,不断翻新手法,利用种种欺诈手段,骗取客户钱财,牟取暴利。

    Some law breakers ignored the state state laws and regulations , constantly changing the tricks , and use using various fraudulent means to deceive people 's money and make excessive profits .

  25. 这些改革措施将会增加低收入群体的收入,增加中产阶级所占的比重,重新调整富人的收入,禁止人们采取非法手段牟取暴利。

    The reforms will increase the income of the low-income class , increase the proportion of the middle-class , readjust the income of the rich people , and prohibit people from making illegal earnings .

  26. 其经营权的个人所有性导致投机性,不少车主把经营权当作一种投资工具私下炒卖牟取暴利或转包寻租获利,产生了新的盘剥和劳资纠纷,致使经营行为不稳定。

    Many owners put operation right as a kind of investment tool to gain exorbitant profit by private speculation and subcontract rent-seeking . It creates a new exploitation and labor disputes and results in unstable operation behavior .

  27. 保荐人套利交易的行为已经完全违反了保荐职责,破坏了保荐人制度,把保荐人制度异化为保荐人同发行人、上市公司合谋欺诈投资者,非法牟取暴利的工具。

    Sponsor arbitrage trading not only violate the sponsor duties , which has fundamentally destroyed sponsor system , but also become the sponsor system which conspired by sponsor and issuers and listed company to fraud investors , illegal exorbitant profits tools .

  28. 甚至不惜采取不合道德,甚至不合法的手段来牟取暴利,导致了欠发达地区的环境恶化叠加,严重地影响着欠发达地区发展的可持续性和环境安全。

    Even at the expense of taking out of moral and legal means to make profits , resulting in a less developed areas of environmental degradation had been superimposed , severely influences owe developed areas of sustainable development and environmental safety .

  29. 第十条对生产经营者牟取暴利的行为,任何单位和个人都有权向价格监督检查机构投诉或者举报。

    Article 10 As for any behavior of producers and operators in making exorbitant profits , any unit and individual shall enjoy the right to lodge a complaint with or make a report to the price supervision and inspection agencies against it .

  30. 即英国为了扭转对华贸易逆差,从印度大量输入鸦片走私到中国牟取暴利,随后以林则徐的虎门销烟为借口而发动的侵略战争。

    In order to change the trade deficit , Britain imported the opium from India into China . Britain took burning of opium stocks by Lin Zexu in Humen as an excuse to start an aggressive war , forcing China to open its door for trade .