
ài ren
  • lover;spouse;sweetheart;love others;husband or wife
爱人 [ài rén]
  • [love others] 爱别人,爱护并帮助他人

  • 君子之爱人以德

  • 宽厚而爱人

  • (1) [husband or wife]∶丈夫或妻子--在跟第三者说话时,夫妻一方对另一方的称呼

  • 我的爱人在家呢,

  • (2) 或指他人夫妇中的一位

  • 他爱人在县剧团当演员

  • (3) [lover;sweetheart]∶情人。恋爱中男女的一方,未婚的恋人

爱人[ài ren]
  1. 你完全没有必要去提醒你的爱人,关于一些事你是对的而TA是错的。

    There is no need to remind your spouse that you were right about something and they were wrong .

  2. 总盯着你爱人的缺点,而不是放大TA的优点,只会让TA的优点更少缺点更多。

    Focusing on your spouse 's weakness rather than building on their strengths will only increase their weakness and diminish their strength .

  3. 保重,我的爱人。

    Take care , my love .

  4. 他好像不会疼爱人。

    He seems incapable of love .

  5. 他决定和爱人一起过一种更加安定的生活。

    He decided to lead a more settled life with his partner

  6. 听!我听见我爱人回来的脚步声了。

    Hark . I hear the returning footsteps of my love .

  7. 她形容她的爱人“各方面完美至极”。

    She described her lover as ' perfect in every way ' .

  8. 自信就是放宽心,给爱人足够的私人空间。

    Self-confidence means being relaxed enough to allow your lover their personal space .

  9. 我和爱人两年来一直想要个孩子。

    My partner and I have been trying for a baby for two years

  10. 你不知道他们是爱人关系吗?

    Don 't you know they are a couple ?

  11. 在职的家长表示,他们感到压力大,很疲惫,总是匆匆忙忙,陪伴孩子、朋友和爱人的高质量时间实在是太少了。

    Working parents say they feel stressed , tired , rushed and short on quality time with their children , friends and partners .

  12. 然而只有对比自我更大的东西作出承诺,比如爱人、人类同胞、工作或某种道德观念,才能实现意义。

    However , we can achieve meaning only if we have made a commitment to something larger than our own little egos , whether to loved ones , to fellow humans , to work , or to some moral concept .

  13. 你是我的伴侣、知己、爱人和生命。

    You are my companion , confidante , love and life .

  14. 我觉得我的爱人/配偶可能不忠于我。

    I think my spouse1 may be unfaithful to me .

  15. 世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。

    The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover .

  16. 自然女神鲜用黄,较之其它色。省下都付与夕阳。——大片泼蓝色,又似女人好鲜红。启用黄色时,千挑万选尤慎重,如爱人措辞。

    Spending Scarlet , like a Woman , Yellow she affords Only scantly and selectly Like a Lover 's Words .

  17. 而对于那些老年情侣来说,他们当中很多人都是在一段或两段失败的婚姻后选择和一个新的爱人住在一起,而这份协议也另有他意。

    For older couples , many of whom are choosing to live with a new partner after a failed first or even second marriage , a contract serves another purpose .

  18. 其实每个人一开始都不懂爱情,与爱人一起经历一些事情,甚至一起经历一些痛苦,才能变得成熟,才会懂得珍惜。

    Actually each people begin do not know love , love together with experienced some things , even to experience some pain , to become mature , we will know how to be grateful .

  19. 接下来的几年里露西就这样孤孤单单的生活着,我们经常请她过来参加我们的家庭会议,但是这对于失去爱人的她来说是于事无补的。

    Over the next several years were lonely times for Lucy . We often had her at our house for family functions , but it didn 't quite make up for losing a loved one .

  20. 这是天真无邪的时刻,爱情是永恒的,每件事情似乎都很完美,每件工作的完成都不费吹灰之力,和爱人似乎是天生一对,我们融洽地一起跳舞、享受美好时光。

    It is a time of innocence . Love seems eternal . It is a magic time when everything seems perfect and works effortlessly . Our partner seems to be the perfect fit . We effortless dance together in harmony and rejoice our good fortune .

  21. 你站在婚礼圣坛上,凝视着你的爱人,说着你的婚礼誓言。你转过头偷偷撇了一眼婚礼来宾,你所有的亲朋好友都在哪里,然后你看到的是一片低着头看屏幕的“脑”海。

    So there you are at the altar , gazing into the eyes of your beloved , saying your vows a glance at your wedding guests , all your favorite beloved friends and family … and are greeted by a sea of down-turned faces staring at their LCD screens .

  22. 正如德克萨斯州巴黎的塞迪·亚历山大(SadieAlexander)可以证实的那样,一点小谎还能帮助我们保护爱人。

    Fibs can help us protect a loved one , as Sadie Alexander of Paris , Texas , can attest .

  23. Mila和Oa应用了内在家庭和内在爱人的概念,来当作他们怎样在内在和自己相处的镜子。

    Mila and Oa have utilized the concept of inner family and inner beloved to be a mirror for how they each relate unto themselves within .

  24. 如果你不能进行语音聊天,那么你该用MSN或者几十种相互竞争的即时聊天工具中的一种来与你的爱人保持联系,并且时刻关注着他/她。

    If you can 't talk , use MSN messenger or any dozens of competing Instant Messaging services to keep in touch and focused .

  25. 我自己,我的爱人,我唯一的真爱。

    My own , my dear , my one true love .

  26. 希哈诺:我亲爱的爱人,我从没爱过你!

    Cyrano : My dear love , I never loved you !

  27. 献给我惟一的爱人:我爱你。

    To my one and only Valentine : I love you .

  28. 如果我的爱人有了外遇,我会离开。

    I would leave my partner if she had an affair .

  29. 他眼巴巴看她爱人去美国了。

    She 's watching his plane take off for the states .

  30. 那是一个亲人的声音,有时是爱人的声音。

    It was a beloved , sometimes an adored , voice .