
  • 网络combustion products;products of combustion;combustion by-products;POC
  1. 两种主要的燃烧产物是水蒸气和二氧化碳。

    The two principal combustion products are water vapor and carbon dioxide .

  2. 次级燃料还原燃烧产物内NOx的动力学特性研究

    Kinetic characteristics of reducing no_x in combustion products with injection of secondary fuel

  3. 最小自由能法求解GAP在等压绝热条件下的燃烧产物

    Free-Energy Minimization Investigation on Combustion of GAP Under Constant Pressure and Adiabatic Condition

  4. 燃气热水器燃烧产物中CO和NOx的产生与控制

    Control of Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Oxides Produced by Gas Water Heater

  5. 电缆燃烧产物中主要毒性气体为CO。

    The main component of combustion toxicity is CO.

  6. 脉冲燃烧产物中CO含量的探讨

    On the CO Content in Pulse Combustion Products

  7. 含Cs盐推进剂燃烧产物导电特性研究

    Electrical Conductivity of Combustion Products of Composite Propellant Containing Cs Salt

  8. CFB锅炉添加石灰石脱硫对燃烧产物计算的影响

    Effects of Limestone Desulfurization of CFB Boiler to Calculation of Combustion Products

  9. 汽油燃烧产物GC-MS分析的萃取剂研究

    An Analysis of Extractant of Gasoline Combustion Products for GC-MS

  10. 还就其燃烧产物、pt曲线与传统黑火药进行了对比。

    An optimized black powder was compared with normal black powder in combustion products and pressure histories .

  11. 结果3种燃料的气态燃烧产物(SO2、NO2、CO、甲醛)中,均以CO和NO2的排放量最高。

    Results The emission level of CO was the highest in the four combustion products of all three fuels .

  12. 本文从火灾燃烧产物着手进行分析,确立了以CO作为火灾探测的目标气体,并结合烟雾参量构成复合探测。

    The paper selects carbon monoxide as target gas for fire detection according to combustion product in fire , and combines smoke particles to make multiple detection .

  13. PAHs主要来源于海上油污染、燃烧产物和城市及工业废水的排放。

    The PAHs stem mainly from oil pollution , urban and industrial discharges , and combustion of fuels .

  14. 提示LPG燃烧产物接触者尿中致突变物主要是以葡萄糖醛酸贰结合状态存在的芳香胺类物质。

    This suggests that the mutagenic compounds presented in the urine samples are mainly aromatic amino compounds as glucuronide conjugates .

  15. 简述了干净碳氢燃料燃烧产物内NOx的形成过程,并讨论了燃烧当量系数和富氧率对NOx的影响。

    The formation of NO_x in combustion products is briefly expounded , and the effects of combustion stoichiometric ratios and oxygen enrichment on NO_x formation are also discussed .

  16. Pd的添加还可大大降低烟粒一次燃烧产物中CO的分率。

    It was also found that in the case of Pd as additive the ratio of the primary combustion products CO / CO_2 is dramatically decreased .

  17. 烟气脱硫脱硝是控制煤燃烧产物SO2和NO的重要方法之一。

    Flue gas desulfurization and denitrification is an important way to control the pollutants ( SO2and NO ) emission .

  18. CO2是燃料气和燃烧产物的主要成分,又是主要的温室气体,因此其净化问题受到举世瞩目。

    CO_2 is the primary component of fuel gas and the product of combustion , and the primary greenhouse gas , so its purification is given great attention .

  19. 推导了由测量得到的燃烧产物中CO2、CO、O2、NOx和HC的体积分数计算燃料空气混合气空燃比的计算公式。

    The theoretical equation of calculating air-fuel ratio according to the volume fraction of CO_2 CO O_2 NO_ x HC of combustion products is deduced .

  20. 除N2,O2外,还含有燃烧产物H2O,CO2,CO,NOx,SO2和H2S等。

    Besides N2 and O2 . it also contains products of combustion , such as : H2O , CO2 , CO , HC , NOx , SO2 , HS , etc.

  21. 研究了空隙因子对木垛燃烧产物中CO浓度的影响,提出了一种通过燃烧产物中CO的浓度来判别木垛从通风控制燃烧转变为燃料控制燃烧的临界状态的新方法。

    Based on the carbon monoxide concentration in combustion products , this paper puts forward a new method which can judge the critical burning state of wood cribs from ventilation-to fuel-controlled regime .

  22. 利用燃烧产物中H2O分子在2.75μm处的基带发射光谱精细结构,根据分子转振光谱测温法,计算出燃烧火焰温度。

    The flame temperature was calculated through the fine structure of the emission fundamental band of H_2O at 2.75 μ m.

  23. 燃烧产物的特性与场强有关,当场强增加时,X射线衍射图中WC相的衍射峰强度增强,表明碳在钨中的扩散随场强的增强而增大。

    The nature of combustion product depends on the magnitude of the field . The strength of diffraction peak of WC in XRD pattern increases with the increase of field strength .

  24. 本文研究了RDX/AP配比对其HTPB复合推进剂爆温(Tv)、燃烧产物中HCl含量、燃速和燃速压力指数的影响。

    In this paper , the effects of RDX / AP proportion on deflagration temperature ( Tv ), Hcl content in combustion products , burning rate and burning rate pressure exponent have been studied .

  25. TiCr合金燃烧产物表面及Ti(<10%)Cr合金的燃烧产物与基体的界面均开裂多孔,不可能阻止氧向基体内扩散;

    Burning product surface cracks and their oxide scales are porous . The interface between burning products and matrix is also porous for Ti ( < 10 % ) Cr alloys , which can not retard oxygen diffusion into the matrix .

  26. 对燃烧产物进行XRD分析,并结合热力学和TG-DTA分析,探讨了自蔓延高温合成Ni-Zn铁氧体的反应机制。

    The phase composition of combustion products was analyzed by XRD , from which , in combination with thermodynamics and TG-DTA analysis , the reaction mechanism of SHS Ni-Zn ferrite was investigated .

  27. 电厂原煤燃烧产物飞灰和底灰中的PAHs的差异主要取决于煤在燃烧过程中的变化程度和化合物的热反应性能。

    It mainly lies on the degree of the coal combustion and the capability of thermal reaction of compounds , which affects the contents and species of PAHs in fly ash and bottom ash from the power plant .

  28. 为研究酸雨硫源,本文对广州地区大气降水、大气SO2和气溶酸、工业用煤和重油及其燃烧产物样品进行了硫同位素组成测定。

    In order to study sulfur source of acid rain , the sulfur isotopic composition of precipitated water , atmospheric SO_2 , aerosol , industrial coal and heavy oil , including their burning products in Guangzhou area , were measured .

  29. 该性能用于表示油品抵抗酸性燃烧产物腐蚀作用的能力。添加Gd对烧结Nd-Fe-B永磁材料磁性能与抗蚀性的影响

    This property is used to indicate the capacity of an oil to counter the corrosive effects of acidic products of combustion . Effects of Gd Addition on the Magnetic Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Sintered Nd-Fe-B Magnets

  30. 通过分析电厂锅炉燃煤的燃烧产物,利用产物与燃料之间的质量平衡以及对燃烧条件的监测,建立了基于径向基函数(RBF)神经网络的电厂入炉煤元素分析软测量模型。

    The paper establishes soft measurement models of Ultimate Analysis of Coal into Furnace in Power Plant Based on Radial Basis Function Neural Network , through analysis of furnace coal combustion product , using the quality equilibrium of fuel and the monitoring of firing conditions .