
  • 网络Botanic Garden;Tropical Botanical Garden
  1. 西双版纳热带植物园保存的国家珍稀濒危植物

    The state rare and endangered plants protected in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden

  2. 海南热带植物园的建设与发展

    The Construction and Development of the Hainan Tropical Botanical Garden

  3. 热带植物园空调系统设计

    The Design of Air Condition System for Tropical Green Garden

  4. 海南热带植物园数据库系统的创建

    Construction of Database System of Hainan Tropical Botanical Garden

  5. 植物园以学习者为中心的科普教育方式的一次效果评估&以中科院西双版纳热带植物园为背景

    An Assessment of Learner-centered Program of Science Education in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden

  6. 西双版纳热带植物园园区土壤理化性质的空间异质性

    Spatial heterogeneity of soil physical and chemical properties in Xishuangbanna tropical botanical garden

  7. 进行了海南热带植物园数据库系统的创建研究。

    Construction of the database system of the Hainan Tropical Botanical Garden was studed .

  8. 兴隆热带植物园果树资源的收集与保存

    The Collection and Conservation of Fruit Tree Resources in the Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden

  9. 兴隆热带植物园的建设

    The Development of the Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden

  10. 国家热带植物园有四个公园位于夏威夷,另有一个位于佛罗里达。

    The National Tropical Botanical Garden operates four gardens in Hawaii and one in Florida .

  11. 冲绳热带植物园,日本

    Okinawa Tropical Botanic Center , 1984

  12. 西双版纳热带植物园引种植物物候特征比较

    A Comparison of the Phenological Characteristics of Introduced Plant Species in the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden

  13. 台大实验林下坪热带植物园植物调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Vascular Plants in the Xia-Ping Tropical Botanical Garden of the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University

  14. 日本热川热带植物园是一个以收集、展示热带珍奇动植物为主的植物园,总共收集植物种类9000多种(品种)。

    Atagawa Tropical & Alligator Garden in Japan aimed at collecting and displaying quality tropical plants and rare animals to public .

  15. 从此,我见证了西双版纳热带植物园,在先进的教育与研究规划基础上,从一个乡土植物园向现代化植物园转化的过程。

    At that time I saw XTBG at the start of its transition from a local tropical garden to a modern botanical garden with advanced programs of education and research .

  16. 针对当前我国农业科技园的现状,总结兴隆热带植物园管理创新做法与成效。

    Aiming at the existing situation of agrotechnology garden 's development in china , sum up its practices and achievements of management innovation in Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden was sum up .

  17. 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园是目前我国最大和保存物种最多的植物园,集热带科学研究、物种保存、科普教育为一体。

    Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden ( XTBG ), Chinese Academy of Science , famous for its largest area and preserving the most species in China , is a blend of scientific research , species preservation and science education . We mainly used the grid sampling method to accumulate soil samplings .

  18. 在海南热带野生动植物园可以看到在野外生活的猛兽。

    You can see the wild animals living in the wild in the Hainan Tropical Wildlife Garden .

  19. 海南热带野生动植物园于中国热带农业科学院、华南热带农业大学境内。

    Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park in China Tropical Agricultural Academy of Sciences , South China University of Tropical Agriculture territory .

  20. 针对热带地区农业经济发展现状,提出兴隆热带植物园示范项目的设立思路和内容,并总结其运行成效。

    Aiming at the existing situation of tropical agricultural economy development , The thinking and design content of establishing an demonstration project in Xinglong tropical botanical garden were put forward , it 's moving achievements were summarized .