
  1. 整个晚上我滴酒未沾。

    I haven 't touched a drop all evening .

  2. 有几滴酒溅在桌子上。

    A few drops of wine had spilled upon the table .

  3. 我今天到现在还没有沾一滴酒呢。

    I haven 't had a drop this blessed day .

  4. 我三个月没沾一滴酒。

    I haven 't had a drink in three months .

  5. 五个月两星期又四天,我滴酒未沾。

    Five months , two weeks and four days are the truth .

  6. 三年来我滴酒未沾

    I haven 't had a drink in 3 years .

  7. 他慢慢地喝着酒,细细品尝着每滴酒的滋味。

    He drank the wine slowly , savoring every drop .

  8. 老实说,一晚上我都没有沾一滴酒。

    Honestly , I haven 't touched a dropall night .

  9. 我滴酒未沾。

    Not a drop of alcohol passed my lips .

  10. 因此礼貌的做法是将最后一滴酒倒入自己杯中。

    It 's polite to put the last drops into your own glass .

  11. 嗨,你还滴酒没进呢!

    Why , you haven 't had a drop .

  12. 别信任那种自称这辈子没沾过一滴酒的仁兄。

    Never trust nobody that says he never took a drink in his whole life .

  13. 朋友们也都常常觉得他喝醉了,明明他嘴唇上滴酒未沾。

    Friends often thought he was drunk even when no alcohol had passed his lips .

  14. 尤其是在禁酒时期,当时的美国滴酒不见,电影里倒是觥筹交错。

    Especially not for Prohibition , when America was dry but the movies were soaking wet .

  15. 如果新娘能够在婚礼上滴酒不漏地喝光一杯葡萄酒,幸运就会降临于新娘。

    Luck comes of the bride who drinks a glass of wine at the celebration without spilling a drop .

  16. 我的靴子后跟在台阶上磨坏了。他慢慢地喝着酒,细细品尝着每滴酒的滋味。

    I scuff the heel of my boot on the step . He drank the wine slowly , savoring every drop .

  17. 你肯定想不到,当理查德把一滴酒溅到了她衬衫上时,她竟那样大惊小怪。

    You 've never seen anything like the fuss she made when Richard spilt a drop of wine on her blouse .

  18. 我还没遇到哪个要戒酒的人,不知道自己滴酒未沾有多久了。

    I 've never met an alcoholic yet who didn 't know exactly how long it 'd been since his last drink .

  19. 我今年五十二了,我要向大家承认,我从来没有喝过一滴酒。

    But I 'm 52 years old , and I 'm going to admit to you that I 've never had a drop of alcohol .

  20. 经过数十年科学家密切跟踪调查和临床试验,大多数临床病人再也没有喝过一滴酒。

    These studies-some decades old-were done in closely monitored , clinical settings ; many patients haven 't had a drink in the many years since .

  21. 一天回家后,他对妻子说,自己明白因为酗酒而伤害了她和全家,从此往后,他绝不再沾一滴酒。

    One day he came home and told his wife he knew his drinking was hurting her and their family and he was never going to drink again .

  22. 他一个人喝干了瓶里的最后一滴酒。然后他的头伏在了桌子上。很快我自己也记不清那个疯狂的夜晚发生的别的事情了。

    And he drank every drop of wine in the bottle , himself.Then his head fell forward on to the table , and soon afterwards I too remembered no more of that wild evening .

  23. 那个婴儿需要一滴杜松子酒

    That baby needs a drop of gin .

  24. 据说圣帕特里克曾训斥了一位卖威士忌缺斤短两的酒馆老板。此后圣帕特里克声明每个人在他的宗教节日都应该喝一滴烈性酒。

    St Patrick was said to have proclaimed that everyone should have a drop of the hard stuff on his feast day after chastising an innkeeper who served a short measure of whiskey .

  25. 英国神父流传来的流动的“爱情杯”是主人当酒杯走过一轮后在一块烹制的面包滴几滴酒吃掉的。

    Floated in the " loving cup " passed among celebrants in Britain was a piece of ( spiced ) cooked bread that the host would consume along with the last few drops of liquid after the cup had made one round of the company .

  26. 液滴分析法在酒的在线检测中的应用

    Application of Fiber Drop Analysis In Online Measuring of Wine