
  • 网络rollover anticline
  1. 伸展构造样式主要有铲形正断层与掀斜断块、反向断层与滚动背斜、垒-堑构造等;

    Stretching structural pattern principally consists of listric normal fault and tilt block , antithetic fault and rollover anticline , and " horst - graben " structure ;

  2. 盆地中发育多种构造样式,主要有:叠瓦状冲断层、滚板构造、牵引褶皱、铲形正断层、滚动背斜、垒一堑构造等。

    The structural style found in the basin includes imbricated thrust zone , trapdoor structure , drag fold , listric fault , rollover anticline , horst-graben structure and the like .

  3. 滚动背斜形成机理探讨

    Inquiry into the formation mechanism of rollover anticlines

  4. 第二期,在区域性压应力作用下形成滚动背斜。

    Thc second was the formation of the rollover anticlines under the regional compressive stress .

  5. 经研究可知,陆上及滨岸带与生长断层下降盘伴生的滚动背斜是主要油气聚集部位。

    The rolling anticline associated with declining plate of growth fault is a main oil and gas accumulating position .

  6. 3)由一条或多条反向(北倾)断层与主控断层形成的滚动背斜构造;

    3 ) rollover anti - clines that have been formed by the joint action of one or more antithetic ( north-dipping ) faults and the master fault ;